Friday, June 22, 2012

Two for One

Liberty or Death 6/22/2012

Liberty or death is the question
That puts words to a feeling
That a life without freedom
Is not a life at all.

Because no one needs a committee
To tell us what to think
And no one has the right
To control the flow of information
To the innocent or uninformed.

The ability to defend the truth
And speak with passion
To take one’s own life
And express it in bold colors.

The shadow of the scimitar
Hangs over our heads
Not because we cannot stop it
But just because we won’t.

If there is anything I have learned
It is the crucial importance of courage
Because without courage
The truth can be forgotten
And bludgeoned to death.

A lie often repeated
Can take on the appearance of truth
And the defamation of the good
Can suppress all reason.

The writing is on the wall
Just as it always was
But the critical moment has arrived
And its time
To wake up and rise.

The worst beast you can imagine
Is already at our throats
Hidden behind a mask
That no one dares reveal.

Above criticism and protected by law
Evil slithers and coils
Right in front of our eyes
Cold, cruel and calculating
To take our freedoms
And take our life.

He is not interested in coexistence
And he is not interested in justice
But only in hatred
And only in murder.

The chains of servitude
And the entanglements of law
Are seldom broken
By resentment and whispers.

But much can be achieved
By the determined and persistent
Those people ready to sacrifice
Anything and everything.

The greatest good is fair
And pits not one against another
But rather allows him
To succeed or fail.

His ability and his character
The main determinants
Of how high he rises
And what he achieves.

Free will is the greatest gift
But with it comes responsibility
As we live not by instinct
But by the highest form of thought.

Learning from others
And testing the waters
Dreaming dreams
And imagining the future.

We are not alone
And this is not the first time
That darkness has threatened
But this is the turning point
By which we will be remembered
And judged.

The day will come
When the truth is revealed
But far better it is to know now
When all we can do
Is believe.

Blood Thirsty 6/22/2012

There is a good feeling
Of warmth and numbness
When you feel no pain
Doubt, or fear.

But like all things
The feeling fades
And you feel the crushing weight
Of harsh reality
Like a coiling snake
Constricting around your neck.

And all you want is to return
To the happy thoughts
You remember
Even if it is a lie
And even if it hurts.

I could feel my heart beat
Labored and aching
As I spun the wheels in my head
Just trying to make it
Through another oppressive day.

But no one can stay that way forever
Either drunk, wasted or high
Because in the end
We are eaten alive
Even though we never felt it
Or knew it at all.

I smashed everything I could
And I remember the moment
When I had everything in the world
But took it all for granted.

I stood on the patio
In a velvet jacket
With a bottle of gin
Smoking a cigarette
And cursing at the world.

I felt so alive
And I felt immortal
Because nothing ever hurt
No matter what I did
Or what I said.

I could do all
And I could be all
Conquering all
With the sheer force of will.

I threw down the bottle
And smashed it into pieces
Laughing at the crystals
Exploding in all directions.

Everything I said was witty
And everything I did was funny
Shaping my words into bullets
Filled with cynicism and derision.

But such is the folly of man
That we try and medicate ourselves
Instead of making the changes
That allows us inner peace.

But the pain is a beast
And self deception a destroyer
Pulling us backwards
Into a bottomless grave.

There is no easy answer
And there is no escape
Sooner or later
Everyone must deal
With the longing inside.

We are incomplete
And we are unfinished
Born with a hole
That only the spirit can fill.

Only then can we ever know
What it means to know
With a peace that passes all understanding
Even in the storm
And even in loss.

The demons have killed many
And how they would love
To take me there
But now I know
And Now I live.

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