Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Rush Hour

Rush Hour 6/6/2012

The young lions are silent
Toothless and wounded
While we hide under our bed
With the wolf at the door.

Scared to death
And unwilling to change
As we cling to the same mistakes
We have always made before.

Wasting our time
And wasting our breath
With too much to prove
And not enough to do.

Why would anyone want
What was never theirs
And who would ever believe
That even fools could be so foolish.
And the lucky so wasteful.

We stand around
And watch the world
Slowly rotate and sink
Spiraling downward
And flowing out the drain.

Never once questioning
All that we could do
With our hands in our pockets
And our heads in the sand.

As long as we get paid
We don’t ever question
And as long as we survive
We pretend it’s all ok.

Aggrandizing ourselves
And always looking for praise
Self absorbed
Deaf and dumb.

Never once considering
The cost of petty emotions
And the terrible price
Of tyranny and greed.

Humility is the greatest thing
That any man can possess
An indispensable characteristic
Of the good
And the wise.

Because who needs praise
And who needs credit
When you do what is right
And what is fair.

Because the truth is the truth
No matter what we may think
And the truth trumps all
Before, now and after.

Today is another day
And the greatest of honors
Is our presence
And our attention.

The one thing
Upon which everything hinges
The love we give
And the life we share.

A priceless treasure
Easily given
The beautiful moments
That will last forever.

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