Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Dead and the Restless

The Dead and the restless 5/31/2012

The end is an animal
Crouching over his kill
And madness is a man
Without a conscience or soul.

No better than bacteria
And devoid of sense and reason
Gorging himself on blood
In a violent spasm of death.

If you can search
Then you can see the sign
Grabing you by the gut
And never letting go.

It has been a long time coming
But now the harvest is here
As man plots against man
In a final gamble of death.

An unstable mixture
Of willful foolishness
And wishful thinking
Of the stupid
And the cowardly.

Propped up in success
By the works of the good
Achieved over centuries
And squandered in a day.

Coming unglued
And falling off its hinges
A world devolving into ignorance
And sinking into madness.

What was shocking
Has become expected
And what was unthinkable
Has become commonplace.

The savage attack has continued
And now we see the result
In wave after wave of assault
And horrific murder.

Our basic instinct to love and protect
Replaced with indifference
Numb to the violence
And blind to the threat.

We have sold out the future
And bought a noose
With our debt
Holding out our hands for the executioner
Without a whimper.

Going from one place to another
In a frantic search of greed
Always scanning the scenery
For a victim.

Memory is full
And the time is ripe
As we choke on the fruit
Bitter and poisonous.

Eating out our guts
And frying all our nerves
With blood in our mouth
And demons in our brain.

The good speak only in private
Afraid to acknowledge the truth
Making it easy for the enemy
To pick us off
One by one.

But it is never too late
To do what is right
And its never too late
To take a chance
And make a stand.

The road back is a long one
And sometimes the answers
Are hard to find
But we are not the first
And we are not alone.

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