Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sooner or Later

Sooner or Later 2/29/2012

Sooner or later
We discover the truth
Whether we seek it or not
We shall embrace
The great unknown.

Situations change
But people remain the same
Flailing their arms
Like windmills
Useless and dumb.

How can justice
Hurt the good?
And if it hurts the good
Then it’s not justice at all.

Blinded by our pride
We pretend that we know
As if we know the truth
And everyone else is wrong
Or ignorant.

But we know in part
And the truth hovers above
Just out of reach
Elusive and perfect.

So what are we to think?
And what are we to do?
If we know so little
And fumble in the dark.

The answers are not hidden
And the riddles are just a joke
Mysteries that we’ll never know
And that is not soo bad.

Maybe its better
That I don’t understand
Because what could I do
If I knew the reasons why.

Burdened by the knowledge
Of all that I never did
And condemned
By all the things I did.

My mind has many rooms
And I have kept the best
A secret
Too beautiful to explain.

The future is hard to decipher
Until it is too late
But our finest hour
May still be yet to come
Impossible to predict
And impossible to avoid.

Whether we pass or fail
The tests always come
But they only get harder
As we grow and learn.

My dreams are no less worthy
And my heart is my only treasure
More than a muscle
And more than blood.

I have been despised
And I have been the hated
Forgotten and overlooked
And left out to die.

A terrible dark secret
Walled off from the world
To languish in a tower
Like a ghost.

To dwell with the secrets
That they wanted to ignore
Wandering the halls

There are mysteries
That no man can explain
But maybe its better that way
Because once we know
We are never the same.

Knowledge requires responsibility
And that implies an obligation
And obligations are what we avoid
So instead we just run
And take a shot in the dark.

As long as we don’t rock the boat
No one will see our desperation
Nor will they notice
The pain or the loss.

We hear about the lost souls
And we read about the psychopaths
But nowhere do we see
Those who endure.

The high and the mighty
Love to ridicule and deride
Free from the constraints
Of the hand to the mouth.

But how many are forgotten?
And how many disappear?
Lost to time
Silent and dead.

They also loved
And they also tried
Giving up everything
Just so others could survive.

We remember the killers
And we remember the damned
Spreading fear and death
With demons and cults.

A man can buy history
And show it with pride
But a man of honor
Can never be possessed.

The secrets will be exposed
Both the good and the bad
But the greatest of surprises
Are the ones
We knew all along.

I am the hidden
And I am a mystery
A man living in a bubble
And a messenger
Of words.

Be careful to ask
And be careful to think
Because emotions are volatile
And the consequences are forever.

The world may tell you
That you are worthless
And people may say
That you have no use.

But for those who stand
And for those who risk
There are greater things
Than crowns or titles.

Because there is a glory
That no man can bestow
Or measure
A kingdom without secrets, lies,
Or pride.

It is this citizenship
That I wish to earn
Something that will last Long after
This too
Is gone.

So play the song slowly
For those long dead
For they know what we lack
And see
What we hide.

If words can make a difference
Then God, let me write the truth
Using this mouth and these hands
To spread the truth and the glory
Your words and not mine.

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