Monday, February 6, 2012


Vengeance 2/6/2012

Life and vengeance
Can be what we make them
Sweet as honey
When done with a smile.

It can be the truth
Forced down a liars throat
Or just desserts for the guilty
Poetic enough to immortallize
And pass down through the ages

It is the ability to maintain composure
Even when taunted and ridiculed
Surrounded by enemies
And attacked from behind.

The act of getting up
And going to bed
Patient through the endless days
That painfully stretch out
From here to Armageddon.

Putting one foot
In front of the other
And weathering the storm
With as much dignity and honor
As you can lift.

To smile when wounded
And stand when crushed
Holding your head high
Even when you are betrayed
And want to die.

All who have really lived
Know what it feels like
To be cut off unjustly
And left to bleed out.

But only the good
Shall come to know
And maybe even understand
What it means to triumph
Even in loss
And even with nothing.

To lose and remain undefeated
And bear the heavy burdens
Finishing what you started
Even though it hurts.

We are more than we appear
And every man has a killer inside
A cold dark place
That cries out for release.

Beaten down
And repeatedly denied
Screaming for blood
And begging for satisfaction.

That is the test
And that is the question
A decision for the wise
When, where and how.

Because someday
All this must end
The good and the bad
Settled at last.

To clarify the doubt
And pay off all the debts
Balancing the horror
With punishment.

We are marked
By our suffering
But even this too
Shall all pass away.

Because we suffer
Not only for our sins
But the sins of others
The good held up
And cut down to pieces.

It is time to be unbreakable
And it is time to inventory the soul
Searching out what is wrong
And making it right.

Time to confront evil
And stare it down
And without apology.

To make the tough choices
And do what it takes
Before the worst comes
And it is too late.

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