Thursday, March 1, 2012

Summoning The Blood

Summoning The Blood 3/1/2012

If there ever was a time
That a man must rise
Then this is hour
Heavy and ripe.

Buildings are exploding
And the cities are burning
The streets strewn with bodies
Bloodied, severed, and torn.

The truth suppressed
And honest debate squelched
As the good are tried
For crimes of conscience
And the guilt of faith.

People line up at tables
To question each other
Looking for weaknesses
Or useful information.

There are things that happen
When money and power
Are at stake
When men without honor
Love winning more than life.

They worship themselves
And power is their idol
Calling to the moon God
And murdering for his love.

A time of deceit
When knowing the truth
And speaking it out
Is like a box of gunpowder
Resting between your legs.

There are some who think
That they are immune
And that no one will ever question
Or expose the awful truth.

Because that is how they have lived
And that is how they were born
Raised on a long slow simmer
Of hatred and jealousy.

Rewarded from the shallow waters
And rising through the ranks
Without ever getting dirty
By hard and bloody work.

And many have been discouraged
By pretending it’s the truth
Because they live in fear
And give in to doubt.

But you can’t let your self worth
Be put in the hands of others
People who consider all the wrong things
Before what is right.

Our value and our worth
Are not for sale or negotiation
And it cannot be appraised or sold
Something that only God
Can ever comprehend.

When you are the hated
Because of the truth
Then wear it with pride
Like a badge of honor.

The blood is calling
And I can feel it
Surging in my veins
The call to live boldly
And never look back.

Fear will always be there
And it will never go away
But to face it down
With dignity
Is by far greatest honor.

Though many may come against you
With an avalanche of threats
Probing every weakness
And exploiting every mistake.

Stand for what is right
And stand for what is true
And not just the acceptable
And not just the easy.

It is not as easy
As it may sound
And many more than we know
Have died in silence.

Their heroic struggles
Unrecorded and unremembered
Sleeping in the dust
Buried and neglected.

Others laughed at their loss
And others jeered at their pain
Ridiculing every nuance
And digging through their secrets.

Their dead bodies are dragged
And mocked in the streets
But, soon the truth shall answer
And give the devil his due.

The flames are rising
And the smoke rises in columns
In the burned and looted cities
That once bustled with life.

The innocent and the orphans
Cry out with hunger
But evil men do not hear
As they plan ambush, murder
And theft.

Their wear masks
And they hide in caves and corners
Always striking from behind
And laughing at the result.

But even in the darkness
You can guess who they are
But the wise will know
Where this shall lead
And the horrible way
It will end.

They have started a fire
That burns out of control
Spreading faster than they can run
And trapping them forever.

When the truth is revealed
They will curse the sky
And run to the hills
To hide their faces.

But no matter what they do
And no matter where they go
The blazing eyes of truth
Shall burn them away.

There is no day like today
And there is no greater moment
Than right here and now
To snatch victory out of loss
And eternity from shame.

Live boldly dear friend
And fear not the slings and arrows
For he who stands it now
Shall live forever.

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