Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Depreciation 2/8/2012

If I lived it once
Than I shall say it again
That I had a great future
That is all behind me now.

Like so many others
And like so many dreams
We are cut off midstride
And crushed before we start.

A senseless world
Is an accident of fate
An evil influence
On unsuspecting minds.

Working its way in
And crawling into our minds
Like a parasite
Draining all our blood
And skewing our ideas.

We all want love
And we all want to belong
So we all fall into line
Meekly accepting our beliefs
From liars and frauds.

Not many grow to question
The man behind the curtain
Investigating their true motivations
And all the implications.

Distracted by the shiny objects
Dangled in our face
As the hand behind us
Draws a sharpened knife.

No one wants to be accused
As we see others attacked
So we hide behind the acceptable
And wait.

Fear is the enemy
And silence is death
Because without deliberate truth
We forfeit the future
We should have had.

A static world
Incrementally degrades
Devolving into a chaos
That accepts tyranny
And death.

For any great treasure
And any great privilege
Unappreciated and unattended
Withers and fades away.

Wasted, looted, and destroyed
Have been the greatest of wonders
Lost, forgotten and buried
In the inevitable sands of time.

So also am I
As I was walking in my sleep
Deluded into complacency
By my own easy comfort.

But a new day is here
And it has never been more clear
That to speak is necessary
And to act a necessity.

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