Friday, February 24, 2012

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man 2/24/2012

What would we say
If we could see it now
The cause and the proof
Written across the sky.

Hung above our heads
Unmistakable and clear
In huge letters
Spelled out
So that everyone knew.

If we could see our worth
And the value of our spirit
Would we be any different
Or any braver.

If we could see the dead
And they could speak
What would they say
And how would we feel?

Looking backwards across time
Without fear or dread
With nothing to lose
And nothing to gain.

God made it clear
And God made it easy
But still we look away
And never want to hear.

We are supposed to live boldly
And we are supposed to be brave
But most only think
And most only hide.

But what of the fear
And what of the loss
Pride and all that goes with it
Like the vanity of the weak.

My father was a good man
And he was there every day
His life and his actions
More than words can describe.

His words are in my heart
And his strength flows in me
Greater than imaginary dreams
The inspiration made manifest.

Though we are weighed down
And carry heavy burdens
For those who persevere
They shall see the truth.

Though we fly under the radar
And seldom see a reward
The truth endures
And lasts forever.

Even though we cannot see it
We are known and understood
Unsung by man
But always remembered
In blood and bones.

I have not given up
No matter the cost
Proof enough of life
Invisible but real.

No matter what is said
And no matter what is done
Someday it is coming
The truth and the light.

Though the good may fall
And the innocent bleed
They will live forever
Eternally justified.

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