Thursday, February 23, 2012

Double Vision

Double vision 2/23/2012

I know some secrets
But no one knows them all
Because there is always more
That what you see
And what you hear.

Tiny bits and pieces
Each one ignorant of the other
As one hand shows itself
While the other hides.

A shell game of numbers
Hides the hidden hand
The one that ties it all together
Past, present, and future.

A puzzle with a million pieces
That all have the same color
Because each and every compartment
Operates in the dark.

The truth is there
But only in fractions
With all the lines blurred
Between right and wrong.

Many men see
And many men hear
But our eyes and ears
Are clouded by emotions.

We view the world
Through a prism
Focusing on only
What we already believe.

The truth can disappoint
And the truth can hurt
But in truth there is growth
And the good never hide.

No man is perfect
But what is there to fear?
Because what can ever happen
That hasn’t already
Cut us deeply.

We are dying
Slowly, but surely
But our legacy
Can only be as great
As our hearts reveal.

Progress can never be made
If you can’t see the problem
And no problem can be fixed
If you can’t say what it is.

Men with hidden motives
Will never tell the truth
Because they hate what they see
And only want to destroy.

If one man’s burden
Is another man’s joy
Then we are divided
And doomed.

Upside down and twisted
By a double standard
With obstacles and accusations
Placed in our path.

The only demons they see
Are the ones in their heart
Blinded by the hatred
And lost in the dark.

The dragon has swallowed his tail
And the earth dangles in death
Half dead and half alive
And waiting to be born.

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