Friday, February 17, 2012


Cannonball 2/17/2012

It’s no fun to drink alone
And it’s no fun
To lay awake in the night
Unable to forget
Who you are
And where you are going.

Cut loose to drift
Without any safety net
With ragged sails
And a leaky hull.

Eventually even the whiskey
Loses its effect
And you hang in delirium
Unable to go on.

Staring into the endless horizon
You can see your whole life
And watch it come unraveled
Leading you to a place
No man, should ever go.

In the blackest night
On the blackest ocean
Without hope
Or reason.

On a ship of ghosts
Lost in the endless ocean
Slowly rotting away
And creaking.

The numberless ripples
Merge with my visions
Coming and going in my mind
As the waves endlessly lap
And dull my senses.

For none of us
Ever dares to think
That we could be, left behind
Without provision or guidance
To sink in the deep.

At the mercy of the winds
As they circulate the heavens
Pulling and pushing us
Far from home.

So this is the life
And this is how, it feels
A dead ender
In the middle of nowhere.

So it’s as good a time as any
To scavenge on the sea
Finding someone else to board
And take back
What we lost.

Clear the decks
Because the ship of ghosts is coming
Shooting fire
With canister shot and shell.

Run away
If there is a place to go
Because we don’t believe
In happy endings
Or second chances.

I am thirsty
And I am hungry
More dead than alive
And vengeful.

For an end in madness
Is closer than you think
Only as far as circumstance
And wrath.

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