Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Three and a half

Three and a half 1/3/2012

Only the reader can know
If these words make any sense
And only the good will understand
What they mean
And what they show.

It is not about me
And I have nothing to sell
Because wisdom comes
To those who ask
And those that wonder.

I have dreamed dreams
And my eyes have seen plenty
But knowing is the greatest privilege
That belief could ever bring.

The truth can hurt
And sometimes no one wants to hear
Because they have hidden their eyes
And buried their heart.

Our emotions can play tricks
And we always fool ourselves
As we mentally twist reality
To suit our wants and needs.

We love to make promises
But how often do we fail
When obligation meets desire
And monotonous discomfort.

Many are sold out
For a few dollars more
Watered down into nothingness
And white washed away.

The broad and simple beliefs
That excuse all sorts of horror
Grabs at our feet
And snags at our clothes.

We give up
And we let go
Catching just the rotten fruit
As it falls into our hand.

We get what is left
And we get what we feared
A full and just reward
For the cowardly
And the foolish.

Oh how often we have fallen
And slid backwards
Over our words
Even though we tried
And even though we knew.

Over and over again
Even the strong are murdered
Opening themselves up
From below and from behind.

If we never knew
It would make no difference
Because what would we be then
Nothing but a speck in the ocean

I have ridden a horse
With eyes of burning fire
Slowly walking forever
Back to where we started.

They have done their best
To injure, mock, and steal
Never missing an opportunity
To twist the knife a little more.

And how they mocked my wounds
As I was drowning in blood
Exalting in their victory
And laughing.

But I am not the first
And I am not the last
Nothing but a man and a vessel
A mystery inside of a riddle.

When they dip their fingers
In my blood
It is then that they will know
That there is no need to rise
If you have not fallen
And that I am alive.

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