Monday, January 30, 2012

Dead or Alive

Dead or Alive 1/30/2012

Even a parasite
That feeds off
The blood of others
Needs to find a producer
In order to survive.

But as the many feed off the few
The few weaken and die
Hunted into extinction
Dumbed down and contaminated
Until nothing at all remains.

That for me
I must ponder
The life of the living
And the life after death.

The cats dead eyes
Glowed in my headlights
Staring sideways from the road
Just as brilliant as they were living
Freshly dead,
And about to spoil.

We are fine
Until we are not
And then we either live or die
Not much different at first
Except for the soul
Either dead or left alive.

Limp, motionless, dead, and stiffening
Putrefied, liquefied and rotted away
Just a worthless carcass
Devoid of life and blood.

There are many ways to spend
Our time in these bodies
And there are many emotions
That rob us of time.

We can toss around the blame
And see where it sticks
Just as meaningless as it seems
And twice as dumb.

We can cry out for justice
But we would never know it
Even if we had it
Because we barely know ourselves
Let alone the truth.

Or we could ask for freedom
Never realizing how much we have
Free enough to live
And free enough to speak.

Giving it up with our silence
And holding it all inside
When all we had to do was stand up
And remain unafraid.

Fear is the choice
That too many have made
Defeated by words
Long before they are killed.

This world and all it contains
Is nothing but an illusion
But you can never know how
Until you break away.

Leaving all the childish expectations
And living boldly in the truth
Because no man can ever live
Until he stops fearing death.

You can find a million reasons
To justify what you do
Always some kind of excuse
To murder, lie and steal.

And it’s hard to know which is better
To think or to act
To live in a prison
Or pretend
That you don’t care.

I am here now
And that is all I know
What my eyes reveal
And my mind can understand.

There must be more
Than what we have seen
Because if this it
We might as well give up.

Some men
Only believe in themselves
And it is they
That we should pity
Because they will always find
The nothingness they seek.

They think they are wise
But they are just buying
What the world is selling
Nothing more than vanity
At work on the weak.

They can have themselves
And they can have their pride
Dreaming with their nose to the ground
And dreaming that they are awake.

They can guess
And they can speculate
About what is wrong with me
And what is wrong with others
But only I can know
What it is in my soul.

I want to come out screaming
With vengeance on my lips
And take the truth in my hands
Twisting, crushing and squeezing
Until nothing remains.

But there is a big difference
Between what you want
And what you need
And I need to speak many things
Before I can die.

Now you see it
And now you don’t
The best things hidden
And kept in the dark.

We could die sooner
Or we could die later
But we can only live in the present
In the here and the now.

If they want me
They can have me
Because there is nothing as precious
As what we leave behind.

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