Friday, January 13, 2012


Thirteen 1/13/2012

Many a tragedy
Has happened on a Friday
And so also with me
A bloody day of memory
And the day I pay the price.

No man is perfect
And no man immune
But for all sin, there is punishment
And someone must be questioned
And someone must be cursed.

This is the day of loss
And this is the day I have bled
Crushing me like a death sentence
Hanging over my head.

This is the day
That horror lies in wait
Just waiting for the unsuspecting
To leap upon
And kill.

This was the day
That I had to give up
Signing away my future
And my life.

It is times like today
That I call to God in my heart
Crying out with all my strength
In a silent scream.

The day is long
And it hurts to wait
Because although nothing lasts forever
It sure feels that way.

I try to forget
And I try to forgive
But my heart grows heavy
Much too heavy to lift.

We forget what it feels like
And we forget how it can hurt
So we just go on
Like we are better
And crush those below..

This is the year
Of three times thirteen
An end and a beginning
Of one time to another.

All men lie
And all men sin
But the difference in the reasons
Only God can know.

What is it
That makes us fail?
And what is it
That makes us cruel?

We who have criticized the injured
But excused the murders
Never looking inside
To see the shocking truth.

Many are the betrayed
Who never hurt a thing
All for a few dollars more
And false freedom.

For some the days trickle by
Without any thought
Never paying the price
And never growing up.

But before me
There were others
And many have been hated
Tortured, beaten and killed.

Today I live
And today I remember
Trying hard, but failing
All over again.

Today there may not be justice
But who should want
What man can give?
Just another self serving grievance
And no one is innocent.

I have stared at the floor
And burned the day into memory
Just another blow
In an otherwise average life.

But there is nothing that is done
That remains a secret forever
And the carnage of midday
Will be washed away at night.

Tomorrow shall come
And the day after that
Unless I return
Back to the truth.

This world
And all its pride
Is but a small blip in time
Just a skipped beat
In our steady fall.

So we might as well smile
And enjoy our friends
Those we have
That are here today.

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