Monday, January 9, 2012

Black Light

Black Light 1/9/2012

No longer am I the apple
Of her kind eyes
And no longer do I wait
For her easy smiles.

Here one day
And gone the next
One minute in the center
And then somewhere else.

I was different then
But that guy is dead
No longer speaking
And no longer belonging.

Cast out of paradise
And cut down from behind
Far away from comfort
And forgotten in the desert.

Now I lurk in the corner
And sleep on the strands
Just another misfit
Living in the fringes.

They always say
That there must be a reason
That life turns out this way
But it doesn’t make much difference
If you can never come home.

Now I am in the corner
Out in the periphery
Just another shadow
Moving quickly away.

Like one of those apparitions
That can never be explained
So we blame it on imagination
And quickly walk away.

Sometimes ghosts just can’t let go
And sometimes they dream they’re alive
Sleep walking through a life
That has already passed away.

But we can never know for sure
What it is that they feel
So we only guess
And do our best
To explain them away.

Maybe it is something else
That keeps them in between
A longing or unfinished love
That keeps them hanging on.

Just restless spirits
Haunting the world of the living
Stuck in the nothingness
That remains in between.

God still waits but they never leave
Just going through the motions
That they never finished
And can never complete.

We look for ourselves
But never understand
What it is that we find
Never going deep enough
And never questioning why.

People pass through our lives
And stay with us for awhile
Never understanding or grasping
What is really inside.

We know of each other
And we stare into their eyes
But we only skim the surface
Of who they truly are.

There is only one way to know
And that will be the test
Whether I was right or wrong
Or good
Or evil.

Only then we will see
With new eyes
Penetrating though all the layers
To gaze at the truth.

I am also restless
And my spirit wanders
In worlds that have come
And worlds that never were.

Still looking for something
The something that I must do
To complete the circle
And become who I am.

We hate things
That we cannot control
And we never believe
What we cannot hold.

But the greatest of things
No man can explain
Not until we have lived it
And know without speaking.

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