Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Eyesight 1/4/2012

The lamp in the darkness
Has shown us where to go
And the light behind the eyes
Inspires us
To see and to know.

If you have eyes
Then look for the signs
Up in the sky
Or in your own mind
But it helps if you are willing
And can read between the lines.

There are things that we know
And there are things that we guess
But it’s good to follow your instincts
More often true than not.

There is always a reason
And there is always a clue
The same old things
That we always knew
But are suppressed with silence
And taught are never true.

The worst is what we ignore
Because no one
Has the courage to speak
While the mediocre get all the attention
For all the wrong reasons.

The dull made smart
And the smart dumbed down
Because if you tell a lie a million times
Maybe we’ll believe it true.

Who would want the praise
Of the fake and the insincere
When all they want is favor
And immunity.

The winners are not the best
And the best are unknown
Because it’s how things look that matters
In this time
And in this world.

They have blocked out the light
And painted a false horizon
Pretending that its true forever
Just to wear us down.

And it’s hard to stand
When you feel like sleeping
And it is hard to laugh
When you feel like dying.

A cheap and plastic façade
Covers everything that you see
But it wasn’t built to last forever
And the cracks are showing through.

I have seen
And yes I know
Cruising on a ship
That was always built to sink.

It doesn’t matter what the truth is
Because we keep on believing what we want
Pretending right is wrong
And everything is ok.

But no matter what we say
And no matter what we do
The truth grows larger
Every minute and every day.

Looming large
Like an iron mountain
About to crash through a glass house
Shattering all our preconceptions
And destroying all the lies.

Someday it will happen
And today is one day closer
Soon enough for us to change
Turn around and rearrange.

This life is all we have
And this time is all we hold
Everything else just an illusion
Just a wisp of air
Come and gone.

It is time to line up
What we think
With what we do
And time to hold dear
Those we love.

Time to make a choice
And stick with it, to the end
Searching out the real truth
And all the reasons behind it.

To face even the worst
And turn into the storm
For God shall remember the good
Long after we are gone.

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