Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Rabbit Hole and Itchy Fingers

The Rabbie Hole and Itchy Fingers 1/12/2012

Itchy Fingers 1/12/2012

The air is roaring in my ears
As I drive down the road
Imagining an iron destroyer
Screaming towards its prey.

The sonic booms split the sky
And all voices become a whisper
Drowned out by the wash
Of the angels flying by.

The blood rushes inside our heads
And the synapses fire inside our brains
Exchanging information
A thousand times a thousand.

I shall not stop
And I shall breathe the fire
And unknowable.

The mystery is in the words
The ones they do not understand
That something is coming
That they have never seen.

I have awakened
Inside of my mind
And there can be no holding back
The words
Or the message.

The same things will not work
And the old lies are crumbling
Falling to pieces and blowing away
In the rushing wind.

Even the ground is shaking
Under the weight of time
Ready to give way
And pull apart.

The mind is more powerful
Than any of us knew
And the spirit remains
Stronger than all.

The dream has become reality
And the fire has fallen
Calling me and calling you
Faster and faster.

I can feel my heart beat
And quicken in my chest
Driving me on
Past the limits.

We shall not wait for tomorrow
Because it may never come
Now as good a time as any
To feel the iron
Running hot.

The doubters can laugh
And the mockers ridicule
Because they have never tried
And I guess they never will.

This is a time for passion
And this is a time to live
Burning red and orange
Fearless and free.

The Rabbit Hole 1/12/2012

If you listen and if you watch
Then you have seen the lie
Because it’s been told a million times
And there is no end in sight.

They have pitted one against another
And they love to drag us along
Drowning us with demands
That add up every day.

The bills are past due
And there isn’t enough to pay
The oldest way to ruin
What others have built
Is just to take it away.

The past is covered over
With a thick coat of paint
So that the young cannot see
What it was
That we have lost.

Indoctrinated into beliefs
That have never worked before
And lied to about the past
Over and over again.

The real heroes are forgotten
And replaced with the fake
With no opportunity missed
To change faces and names.

Evil is called good
And the good called evil
In a downward spiral
Of illiteracy and hate.

People see what they want to see
And they keep their mouths shut
Because everybody knows
What is untouchable
And what is safe.

Inundated with messages
About who and what is ideal
With the stupid and the criminal
Lionized and rewarded.

The worst considered the best
And true talent ignored
While we spiral downwards
Into cultural collapse.

Challenge it once
And you will be browbeaten
Challenge it twice
And you will be the hated.

So there is nothing cool about them
And they are not rebels
Just regurgitating what is expected
More and more of the same.

With no independent mind
And no courage at all
Running headlong downhill
In a self absorbed suicide.

But time is on the side
Of the numberless invasion
And a Trojan horse of betrayal
Already inside the gates.

It almost too late
As they invite the millions
Just like the politicians want
And just like they plan.

They are the misguided tools
Who can’t see tomorrow
Only wanting cheap victory
And us versus them.

It isn’t about what is right
And it isn’t about the truth
But to pull down the great
Just because they are.

They hate the strong
And want to bring them down
So that the weak can feel better
And all will be well.

But natures abhors a vacuum
And only the good should be strong
Because the weak want genocide
And But end up killing all.

Still falling down a rabbit hole
That they themselves have dug
Dragging everything with them
And falling forever.

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