Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Double Identitiy

Double Identity 1/10/2012

The dead pile up
But no one seems to notice
And the apocalypse inches closer
But no one seems to care.

There are many threats
And there are many enemies
Waiting in the dark corners
Unseen and unknown.

The top is the bottom
And the bottom is the top
The times rewritten
And the truth forgotten.

The world is full of mystery
And nothing is at it seems
Because while we were distracted
Everything has changed.

Names are changed
And all the records hidden
Because to know is to guess
The agenda and the reason.

How can we know
And how can we judge
If we do not know
And cannot see.

If a man is known
Then it is by the truth
Not only what he believed
But also what he did.

We have swallowed the poison
And now it’s in our blood
Flowing to our brain
And paralyzing the heart.

When the world turns over
And rests upside down
Then you know something has happened
And the worst is yet to come.

When men become untouchable
And their secrets protected
They become immune to criticism
And above all reproach.

Their hatred overlooked
And their designs ignored
As they destroy what others
Built to last forever.

Yes you shall know
When the wise are mocked
And the ignorant called great
That something is changed
And something is wrong.

Look, the rotten fruit is ripe
The ones we planted long ago
Grown by neglect
While we looked the other way.

The signs of the times
Are heavy on the vine.
And we get what we asked for
And reap what we deserve.

We are products of the time
And first of the dead
A generation of annihilation
Conceited and greedy.

When men have no shame
And when men have no honor
Even the indefensible will be defended
And the good attacked.

Things are not as they seem
And the head hates his body
Cutting us off at the neck
Just to have his way.

The biggest fraud
And the biggest lie
Cutting out our heart
From the inside out.

Unknown men
Hide their identities
Changing their names
To usurp and to murder.

The head speaks
And everybody listens
But the words are not the problem
And the secret
Is the reason.

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