Friday, December 30, 2011


Shipwrecked 12/30/2011

I want to sail around the island
In big lazy circles
Watching the sun sink
In a beautiful orange glow.

Closing my eyes
As I doze on the deck
Feeling the ebb and flow
And listening to the surf.

A rum in my hand
And you by my side
Just smiling
With fire in your eyes.

I want to remember our first kiss
Full of anticipation
When everything was ahead of us
And nothing but happiness behind.

If I could make the world over again
What would I do
Perhaps look for love a lot less
And give a lot more.

Not looking backwards
Through the clear, but impenetrable glass
And worrying about the future less
As foggy as the blue ridge.

It is hard to forget
And easy to remember
All the missed simple chances
For a happy peaceful ending.

It is not mine to know
Where this dream shall end
Or what I am supposed to think
But more simply
It is just to live
And appreciate each golden nuance.

Something’s are so perfect
That they defy description
Mere words falling short
Of the beautiful and sublime.

The more that we taste
The more that we want
And living makes me want to live
And suffering makes
Me want to die.

Some dreams have a way of coming true
But so do also the nightmares
And we never seem to wake up
Or ever recover.

The anticipation is gone
And there are few surprises
When it feels like you have lived
A thousand separate lives.

They say you can never go back
And they are right about that
But here’s to the future
As murky as the depths.

May we see more sunsets
And drown in each other’s eyes
Once more where we belong
With the world right side up.

Another year will end
And we have circled once again
All the way around the sun
Cycling into another age
Another time
And another chance.

Nothing is forever
In this world
And that is a good thing
Because even all this heartache shall end
And leave us remembering only the good
And the beautiful.

The good shall live
And evil shall die
Sinking to the bottom
And lost forever.

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