Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Deathbomb Poet

The Poet of Darkness 1/11/2012

If you have lived
Then you have seen
But it’s up to us
To learn
And to know.

That doubt can defeat you
Even before you try
And that false pride
Hardens the heart
And kills the soul..

If you have seen the dead rise
Then you can know it for sure
That anything is possible
If you know who to ask.

If we really believed
What wonders could we do
But we always guess and doubt
And never seem to know.

As for me
I don’t need an iron coffin
Because If I die
Then I will not care.

And there is no need
To pay false respects
When everything we do
Is all for the wrong reasons.

I have run around in circles
And I have wasted my fire
Spilling my blood
For nothing.

But nothing of this world lasts
And there is no treasure
That I can keep
Just temporary comfort
And occasional escape.

So what are we left with?
And what are we to do?
When everything we do is pointless
And everything we see
Is doomed.

Mine is to try
Even when my heart is breaking
But also to love
Even though it gets washed away
In a deluge of indifference.

It may go wasted
And no one may care
But what we do and say
Exists forever
Spreading outwards
In the blackness of space.

If no one cares
Then that is their choice
Because no man should force belief
One upon the another.

That is for them
And this is for me
Nothing but a path
That each man has chosen
And each man shall run.

A different journey
On this same spinning rock
Traveling inside and outside
Faster than light.

To live fully
And to live it well
Because even those who do nothing
Have also made their choice.

Smash all the windows
And roll around on the glass
Ripping up your skin
And smearing the blood on your face.

Paint it red
And paint it black
Grinning like a demon
With death in your eyes.

Create one thing
And tear down another
Leaving only the beautiful
For no purpose at all.

Be not fearful
Of those who do not know
Because they create nothing
But what is expected.

Be not fearful
Of the threats
Because the day we run
Is the day we die.

Man has no power
And man has no teeth
Just a bunch of transparent ghosts
Empty sacks of skin and bones.

I am not afraid
That they worst may happen
Because every man must die
No matter what we promise
Or what we do.

The good shall fight
With the strength of ten
No matter how they rig the rules
And that should make us laugh
Even now
And surely then.

All that glitters
Will not make a difference
Because although all shall die
Not every man knows
And not every man has lived.

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