Thursday, January 19, 2012

Riddle Me This

Riddle Me This 1/19/2012

Some men hide their works
And some men hide their past
Sealing up their secrets
So that no one can know.

And even though you look
And even though you ask
No one remembers their name
And no one remembers their face.

Nameless and faceless
They are the riddles
With nothing to say
And nothing to question.

And how can anyone decide
When there is nothing to know
And how can anyone question
When everything is a lie.

If a man is honest
Then there is no need to hide
And if there is nothing to hide
Then why hide it at all?

It is a very consistent truth
That a liar loves power
Loving themselves more than others
Always seeking to win
And always seeks to prove.

Because it is the appearance
That he desires
And everything must be perfect
And everything controlled.

A liar must have his reasons
And on that
Will he be judged
Because no man is perfect
And no man is God.

But a great man needs nothing
And a great man is modest
With nothing to prove
And nothing to win.

They make it up as they go
And always with the end in mind
As boastful as they are vain
But it is always wise to suspect
A man without a name.

If you know me
Then you know my faults
And I shall make no attempt to hide
Because where is the glory in hiding
If God is greater than man.

You can say that I was selfish
And more than a little judgmental
Forever hung up on the inconsequential
Who did not always follow through.

I was that and more
But I have no need to lie
Because there is more to me
Than what you see
And I have nothing to deny.

Evil men with shallow lives
Cover up and assign blame
Always shifting attention
From the emptiness
That they themselves contain.

They can have their appearance
And they can have their name
Showing it as often as possible
Just to prove
And just to shame.

But even this is the proof
And what more can be said
Because no matter what they do
Inside they are empty
Dried up and dead.

If you can smell the smoke
You can bet there is fire
And I have seen them both
The proof and the difference
Between the truth and the liar.

Riddle me this
And riddle me that
But it helps to look a little closer
And see the man behind the lens.

There are things we believe
That simply are not true
And no matter how much we try
It will never be enough.

And there are things we hear
That we always want to think
Even though ten times a thousand
We know it isn’t true.

Be careful to look deeper
And always search the motives
Because a man who lies a lot
Has probably lied about some more.

They have hidden away a secret
That is far worse than you think
Covering it up with appearance
And filling it with greed.

Their treasure will crumble
And their names be forgotten
Because no matter what you think
And no matter what you feel
There was never anything worthy
And never anything real.

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