Friday, January 20, 2012

Jigsaw Zombie

Jigsaw Zombie 1/20/2011

We laugh and we cry
But what have our emotions done?
Just as meaningless to the dead
As they are to the living.

Men have dreamed dreams
Of living without pain
And men have sought the future
From the whispers of the dead.

They have sought out ghosts
And they have summoned spirits
Conversing with demons
In darkened rooms.

Trusting their own mind
Over their eternal souls
Seeking the power of God
And ignoring his voice.

An occulted history
Cloaked in the shadows
In flooded basements and caves
Deep beneath the bunkers
And covered with cement.

Experimental science, black magic
And ancient necromancy
No myth or legend unexplored
And no experiment spared.

Some were seeking power
And some were seeking knowledge
But the secrets were found
And the knowledge was plundered
Hidden from view
And used over and over.

They have created abominations
Out of our sight
And under our noses
Taking life as we know it
And turning it upside down.

Learning secrets from demons
And trading them for souls
Dreaming that they are living
And living with the dead.

Their thoughts have been twisted
Far away from man
Breeding themselves away
Into something they never dreamed.

They are a mystery
And they are a riddle
Frozen since the begging
And rotted with time.

They don’t care if it hurts
And they don’t care if it bleeds
Running down their face
And running down their leg.

They just do and they just go
Because that is what they’re told
And since they can’t feel it
They just let it flow.

But even man is a mystery
And we only know in part
So far fallen
And far from home.

There are demons
And there are angels
In the beginning
And in the end.

Keep your eyes open
And carefully guard your hearts
Because even the good can be broken
But not all the broken are good.

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