Monday, December 19, 2011

The Dove and the Raven

The Dove and the Raven 12/19/2011

Run, run as fast as you can
Because something is coming
And catching up fast
Lashing at our heels
And breathing down our necks.

The lid is coming off
And where the hell are you?
Time to make a choice
Or run until you’re through.

A long time coming
And bigger than we dreamed
Because all hands are about to show
And the truth
Makes all the difference.

There has been much hidden
Underneath the table
Where no one can see
But it is about to be tipped over
And everyone will run.

They will hide
And make excuses
Because they have lied before
And got away free.

But something has been changing
Imperceptible but real
Beneath the surface
In the mind’s eye
Of the spirit
The truth known, and recognized.

Yes, the stakes are higher
And yes, our eyes can see
The used and betrayed awakened
Roused by the pain
Of unanswered blows.

The giant is angry
And soon he shall strike
Swiping them all away
And tearing them to pieces.

The whole rotten joke
Is about to fall apart
And come down around our heads
Because we let the tail wag the dog
And worshiped at the worm.

The legs will no longer stand
And the platform has burned away
Because ashes cannot bear weight
Of the many
On the few.

If trees grew from liberty
It is blood that fed them
And blood they shall have
Because we have run
And hidden in the caves.

We stand and watch
Burning men of straw
As the snake slithers
In and out of sight.

The saboteurs have arrived
And do whatever they want
Without fear of reprisal
And much less of truth.

Hear the lamentations
And see all the ruin
Everywhere and everything
Burning brightly in the sun.

Run, run as fast as you can
Because you know the end is coming
A bigger change than we have seen
Bringing all our houses down.

The dove brings down the fire
And the raven speaks of doom
Leaving their trails across the sky
In seach of men.

They have picked and spoken
And the words are in my ears
As I run to my hiding place
And wait for things to come.

Run, run as fast as you can
Because the bill is due
Time to try and make an escape
Before the killing is through.

Its three minutes past midnight
If anyone can understand the clue
Just enough time to run away
And hide among the tombs.

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