Friday, December 23, 2011


Undeserved 12/23/2011

Some gifts are given
Underserved and unrequested
And we hold them in our hands
Like a treasure
Too perfect to open.

Beautifully wrapped
In gleaming gold and silver
The unexpected glory
We never wanted
Or knew we needed.

I never dreamed
That I could write
Because whenever I tried
I had to force out the phrases
Awkward and painful.

Nothing seemed to express the feelings
That were stored up in memory
Or inspire any thought
Painfully coughed up
Sharp and jagged.

But something’s just happen
And there is nothing we can do
Either for the better or for the worse
Unexpected blessings
or random horror.

The best gifts
Have a way of expanding outwards
And becoming greater with use
Getting better with time
And more treasured than ever.

Best if used
And spoiled if kept
Useless locked away
And withered with age.

Today we are here
And that’s more than enough
Because love multiplies
And the more that we give
The more we have.

There is a peace in knowing
That we are accepted and known
Even with our faults
And even with our flaws.

We are here for a reason
And it is a miracle to know
So I shall ask for words
And let them go.

I don’t know where they will lead
Until I have typed them
And I don’t pretend to be a great poet
But rather I pray
And ask for more.

Today I let them go again
Like a prayer
Written on a balloon
As I walk outside
And let it rise.

If you should find this
Then just smile
Because even though
Life is hard
Others understand.

We live and we lose
And we long for something more
Something we already have
But don’t always see.

We all have hearts
And we all have a soul
The gifts ready for the asking
If we would only receive.

Here is mine
As humble as it is
To whoever may have it
And that’s enough for me.

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