Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Inner Frontier

The Last frontier 12/15/2011

Like an Indian trading land
For a few glass beads
The good have been sold out
And wasted along the way.

The good have turned off their brains
And live on cruise control
Gliding down the road
That someone else has mapped.

They have put on masks
And pretend they are someone else
Taking on their opinions
And their habits.

Sleepwalking through life
Bought and sold cheaply
Dropping their heads into the trough
That someone else has fed them.

Mindlessly they parrot
The tired ideas of others
Safe as toast and cereal
And twice as dead.

Spiritless and soulless
And as bland as they come
A beige on beige world
Without beauty or passion.

Clinging to the edges of safety
They seek acceptance
Taking the safest route
That leads unto death.

I hate to see it
But it is the truth
That they have listened to man
And ignored the voice of God.

Never venturing out
Into the deep waters
And never questioning themselves
Giving in to petty jealousies
And foolish pride.

It is all for show
And it is all fake
A cheap plastic coating
And an otherwise wasted life.

Inside they are empty
Because they have ran away
Running from reality
To avoid all the pain.

Seeking false safety in others
And socially acceptable pursuits
Taking their cues from the bankrupt
And all their planned rebellions.

They love to make fun of others
But only the safest of targets
Far from the sacred cows
Eating all the food.

Others have spoken
But not many have heard
Preferring to avoid all pain
No matter the cost.

I have poured out my heart
And let it spill across space
Bleeding out in all directions
For unknown consequences.

It is here in the words
But the words are not my own
Nothing but messages
Transmitted by a receiver.

The true path is difficult
And it requires a conscious choice
A hard road to walk
But headed in the right direction.

Other have blazed the path
And cut through the thorns
Bleeding themselves dry
And sacrificing their lives.

It is but a small loss
To give up childish retreat
And head into glory
In a risk of faith.

To live this life fully
The make it to the end
Having run the race with honor
If not just for comfort.

The doubters and the mockers
Shall thrash in the shallows
Leading the idle into nothingness
And buried underground.

But for those who seek a treasure
That shall last forever
Let him hear
And let him walk.

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