Friday, December 9, 2011

The Invisible Hand

The Invisible Hand 12/9/2011

I was born
In a place
Beneath the biggest sky
In a city of ghosts
Far away from here.

It was lonely
And it was cold
Stranded in the middle
Of endless fields of grain.

We would drive to the lake
And build a fire at the sand pit
Burying the dead soldiers
And shooting our guns in the night
The sounds and our voices echoing
Into eternity.

Staring upwards into the black
You can see ten thousand stars
Mesmerizing in their beauty
Distant, sparkling and cold.

There is a peace in their remoteness
And a presence in their design
And you know that you are loved
And watched.

There is a sense
Deep down in the soul
That we are guided
By an invisible hand.

Ushered along life
From one place to the next
Incapable of vision
Until we see
The backwards past.

We make choices
But then we live them through
A combination of exposure
And free will.

God was watching me
And God was guiding me
Loving me in spite of myself
Even then
And so far from here.

If we had known
How things would change
I wonder what we would have done
But youth is seldom appreciated
Before it ages away.

I was anxious
And I was impatient
Searching for some sort of perfection
That I never found.

I wanted to
Trying to capture the impossible
And form something unique
In my hands.

To do something
That had never been done
And make the world over
By the force of my spirit.

But rather we are the changed
And are transformed by events
Molded, fired and tempered
And tested by trials
Over and over again.

A work in progress
Never quite finished
Heated, hammered and frozen
Until we are ready.

The real life is yet to come
The one we are training for
A new beginning
Of a beautiful forever.

Here we guess
Then we will know
Now we lose
And then we will live.

Our dreams a reality
And our suffering a blessing
Everything and everyone
Together at last.

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