Monday, December 12, 2011

Deep Freeze

Deep Freeze 12/12/11

Deep winter is upon us
And soon another year shall pass
Silently passing over our heads
In swirling clouds
And falling ice.

Like a bear I grow tired
And let my hair grow
A large white arctic animal
With words instead of claws.

The days are short
And the nights are long
As the ice thickens
Across the pond.

Some things we ask for
And some we don’t
But I walk around inside this skin
And I think thoughts inside this brain.

I didn’t ask to know
And I didn’t know to ask
Because some things are just given
Without any reason or justification.

The light is given
And it shines even in darkness
Illuminating all my doubts
And revealing my path
But only one step at a time.

I read about the world
And it is a long sad story
But it always ends the same
But we never learn
And never understand.

All men make mistakes
But not all men make it right
But I have laid my life
At the feet of God
And wait for him
To pay them back.

How much more does it take
And how much more must happen
Before man wakes up
And see what is here.

It will never be enough
If we are afraid to know
And hide in our thoughts
In safe and familiar conceptions.

Just because I am quiet
Does not mean that I give up
But rather it is the opposite
As I make up my mind
How I must fight.

We have brought in the greens
But slept through the times
Burying our treasure in the cave
And sleeping with our eyes closed.

Outside the dead have fallen
And the hungry killers circle
Eating all that remains
And waiting for us.

Protected by the thinnest of defenses
We rest on the strength of others
But even animals grow bolder
With immunity and acquiescence.

Silence is complicity
And a man has no hope
If he cannot name his enemy
The unspoken ever greater
Than what we read or hear.

Wake up
And shake of the snow
Rise up to full height
And see the truth
Clear as hell.

If you love
Then make sure you live it
Protect them
And the future to come.

Because we are all cutouts
Here one day
And gone tomorrow
Expendable aside from money
Useless and dead.

Love your family
And plan for tomorrow
Winter shall pass
But death shall wait.

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