Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Buried 12/20/2011

When I had everything
I always wanted more
And now that I have lost
I don’t care at all.

In an iron coffin
We shall rest
Chilled to the bone
And stiff as a board
Twice as useless
Empty and dead.

But so are the foolish
Who crowd together in a herd
Running faster and faster
Straight off a cliff.

They woke up early
Filled with ambition
But no matter what they do
Or even where they go
Now they are gone
And nobody cares.

It does not mean
That I give up
Because I have seen this before
And still I write.

But it does offer a choice
The biggest one of all
Because the heart is a muscle
That gets stronger with use.

When broken it fuses back together
And when torn
You slowly sew it back
Growing stronger at seam
Than it ever was before.

A choice greater than comfort
And a dream larger than greed
Different than the false pride
Or the vanity of the weak.

To choose a life
And to choose a love
Not just to escape
But the kind that embraces life.

That is what I want
To embrace this life
To live it fully
Even if it hurts.

Many are those
Who have known the truth
But have slunk away
And covered their heads.

Just to avoid inconvenience
Or numb the pain
The kind that comes
When we stretch our soul.

Like a rush of water
That feels cold at first
But as we acclimate
Feels cleansing and warm.

We fear inconvenience
And we fear disappointment
So we avoid obligations
That might tie us down.

If I am buried
Then I don’t care
But here and now
I have to choose.

You can hear the heart
But you can’t know my thoughts
Arcing and flowing
Inside of my soul.

That I choose to love
Even though I have lost
And that I choose to live
When I feel like giving up.

The end comes either way
And we leave as we came
Delivered naked
And handwashed clean.

A new world
And a new chance
Learning all over again
But this time for real.

The beat of the heart
Goes on
But the choices we made
Determine the prize.

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