Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Demonology 12/7/2011

Words are pretty useless
And they seldom finish the job
Falling useless on the ground
Like tears in the rain.

Life is muddy
And life is a mystery
An unsolvable riddle
That isn’t always funny.

You can try to do what is right
But no one gets out of this alive
And no matter how hard you try
Everything falls apart.

We do what we are told
But still we fail
Because by the time we learn
It is already too late.

The things that happen
Either for the good or bad
Are like singular pin points of time
That we can never connect
Until after we have suffered
And look backwards in disgust.

It is hard to know
What it is all worth
When our viewpoints
Change with emotions
And emotions with the wind.

All men have weaknesses
And circumstantial fortune
Funneling us into situations
With conflicting desires
And decisions.

Even though we promise ourselves
Evil paces back and forth
Always searching
And prodding our defenses.

It comes in unexpected ways
And slips through the tiniest of cracks
Slithering silently past
Even the sharpest eye.

Working its way
Into our minds
In a million small ways
Undetected and deadly.

We think thoughts
That seem harmless
But our words and thoughts
Are but conduits for action.

One thing leads to another
And nothing seems to happen
Leading us into doubt
And all kinds of self deception.

But everything we do
Ripples outwards in all directions
Causing unpredictable reactions
And uncontrolled consequences.

For the smallest of transgressions
Many have suffered and died
As the rot spreads like cancer
Wasting the future away.

The fatherless cry
And seek out affection
Poor, angry
Damaged and marked.

It has laid waste to riches
And stolen the peace of the innocent
Reducing to poverty
The good and the honest.

Murder, theft and deception
Lay at the feet of pride
That old worm of vanity
Eating a hole in our hearts.

Love isn’t easy
And a good man makes a choice
To endure all of loves burdens
No matter what.

To face again and again
The uphill fight
Trudging on, even when tired
And forgiving even when angry.

All men sin
But not all men learn
And all men lie
But not all grow.

I’ll wait
And keep on going
Regardless of the past
Because no man is perfect
Lest vanity infect in heart.

Because there is more than what we see
And this world is but a manifestation
Of the other
Yet to come.

A false pleasure can numb the senses
And I had the demons
Running in my veins
Setting me on fire
To where I could feel no pain.

I tried to do all
And be all
But no one is immune
Not from the life
And not from the world.

The good days outnumbered the bad
So I did not see the end coming
Because I was still heading up
When I started to fall.

How quickly things can change
As desperation leads to horror
As we spin tighter and tighter
Without any way out.

Unable to live
Without familiar comfort
The kind we loved
But wanted us dead.

Losing track of time
As the days become a blur
Until we cry out for death
To take us home.

But not for the smallest of chances
I would have slept in darkness
Lost forever in a deep black hole
Far away from peace.

If a man has eyes
Then now is the time
Time to look and time to see
The killers in the street
And the imposters at the wheel.

No secret shall be hidden
So there is nothing left to fear
Because if one can face the end
And live
Then others can breathe.

Now that I know
I live as new
No longer a stranger
And no longer a fool.

You and I are here
So these words are not wasted
More valuable that my emotions
The truth
That we must choose.

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