Friday, September 30, 2011

Same Old Song

Same old song 9/30/2011

It’s the same old song

Thats way too heavily emoted

Taking something meaningful

Dumbing it down

And dragging it out.

A one sided heavy lie

Smugly conceived

And thinly disguised

A blind allegiance to hypocrisy

That tries to deceive

And wishes we would die.

The killer becomes the hero

That the murdered somehow deserved

And the good are threatened

And evil excused.

It begs a deeper question

About who we really are

And why no one will wake up

And see the real truth.

Spoon fed from birth

We are led by our nose

Pretending that what is right

Is always what is wrong.

Quick to attack

Anyone who questions

With accusations and labels

And no proof at all.

It is easy to see

And difficult to ignore

The incredible folly of man

Always looking the other way

When death is at his heels.

No one speaks

For fear of attack

And the innocent are mocked

While the vain are worshipped.

You can put on lots of glitter

But in the end

It will take something more

Real intelligence

And talent.

Some might ask

What it is that I desire

Well I’ll have to tell the truth

What I want is something real

And never fake.

Nothing less

Than a total renewal

Of the spirit and the heart

An aristocracy of merit

With principals and freedom

No matter how it looks.

A real revolution of the mind

With eyes open and clear

A true reflection of our character

That does not deceive or lie.

A humility that reaches deep

Deep down into the soul

That only the truly strong

Can ever hope to know.

A dead level reckoning

For every single thing

Totally authentic

And never fake.

A true vision

And a real art

Something beautiful

That touches the soul

And makes everything new.

A real love

And an iron will

Without reservation

Or quantification

Something solid

And never fake.

More vivid colors

That contrast and reveal

The true inner beauty

We can see with our minds.

A new earth and heaven

One that cannot fade, chip, or crack

Without limitations

Fully healed

And whole.

The Confidence Man

The Confidence Man 9/30/2011

Written just now, regarding memories of a Christmas Eve 12/24/2007

The fire is spreading
And driven by the wind
A howling blistering gale
Blackening the sky
And scorching the earth.

The air has evaporated
And the sparks rise high
Catching the trees like kindling
And burning all the houses.

What we have made
Shall all fall and crumble
Collapsing all our memories
And destroying all our dreams.

The rains come and flood
But not where they are needed
Rising in the rivers
And overflowing the banks.

The land rises up
And slides against itself
Cracking the buildings
And shaking the walls.

But what is lost
Is not what we think
Because the material world
Does not matter
And we are not betrayed
By money alone.

Our times are full
Adn the tipping point is here
Either for the better
Or for the worse.

No loss can be ignored
And unfinished work
Is the reason
We are blind
Dumb and dead.

We have started
But never completed
And we have begun
But never ended.

Adding on and adding up
But never have we made the choices
The tough but necessary decisons
And seen them through
No matter what.

But instead we have compromised
And mortgaged away tomorrow
With promises to keep
And debts too big to pay.

We say tomorrow
But tomorrow is today
And we beg and threaten
But the damage is done.

For a few days of popularity
A horrible negligence is committed
And for fear of words
Many have their heads in the sand.

The fruit is ripe on the tree
But it is filled with poison
A bitter rotten harvest
Grown from the seeds
We ourselves have planted.

The end is not unwelcome
And it should not be a surprise
But rather a consequence
We always knew
But kept putting off.

Others have always paid
For the stupidity of others
But someday the payment is made
For all and one
Done and gone.

There is nothing new
In this grand pageant
Because its all happened before
But no one cared to notice.

Proud, selfish, useless, and smug
We think that we are safe
But outside the firestorm grows
Hungry for fuel
And never satisfied.

Look with open eyes
And see the real hatred
Slow and silent
Patient and deadly.

Remember now
Or remember then
But it is the difference of men
To save or to steal.

The inside is more important
Than the outside
And the heart
Is stronger than death.

I will survive the fire
And I will still smile
Even with nothing
And even alone.

Even the best liar
Cannot hide forever
Even though he tries
He shall also suffer
Be abandoned and die.

Let the terrors come
I have no fear of them
The night has no power
Over the good who have seen
And the humble who know.

They like to look perfect
But inside they are dead
Cold, frigid, and lifeless
Hygenically clean and fake.

They do what is expected
But only for how it looks
Without a conscience
And without a soul.

They put their hands
Under the table
And swindle all thier friends
Anything for a profit
And anything to win.

The people of the lie
Have no honor or respect
Because they text at funerals
And mock a wounded man.

The sneak into buildings
Adn they put on public shows
Horrifically taunting the good
And laughing at their loss.

All of us suffer
And it is foolish to complain
But there is nothing like the holidays
When you are all alone
And all you get is mocking messages
From the one who took it all.

A bizarre message of marriage
When you just lost your wife
Enough to make you shiver
At the incredible lack of judgement
Immature and vain.

What kind of man
Would do that?
And how can that be good
Nothing but a fraud and a liar
Already lost and dead.

They injure the good
With a knife through the back
Stealing everything they could
And mocking all their faith.

They asked me to the meetings
And I know about the letters
Learning all the truth
The things I already guessed.

They mocked me with a number
And they mocked me in the night
But the number stands for them
And all that they are.

Their time is coming
And nothing can stop it now
Growing stronger and stronger
And squeezing more and more.

The sky shall streak with fire
And lightning shall split the night
As the spirit grows stronger
Day after day
And night after night.

The warnings have expired
And truth is at the door
I know it in my heart
And I feel it in my hands.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cold Storage

Cold Storage 9/29/2011

There are boxes in my head
And each one has a name
A memory of a person
Both those alive
And those now dead.

I keep them stacked in rows
And open them with a thought
And instantly I remember
Where I was and what was said.

I loved many of these people
But I hope that no one asks
Because they should know by now
What I feel
Because I know they know
All that I lost.

Some have a layer of dust
Because I haven't opened them in years
But others remain open
Their contents rearranged.

I can move them around
But I can never forget
No matter how much I try
And no matter where I go.

I take them with me
When I go to work
And I open them
In my dreams.

Inescapable unfinished business
Sitting in my brain
Skewing all my decisions
For those I haven't met.

I make observations
But never know for sure
So I go backwards in my mind
And pull out the files.

Damn the memories!
And Damn the dreams!
Pulling me backwards
All over again.

A part of me wants to remember
And a part wants to forget
But I'll never be free
And the answer
Is far away.

The boxes are heavy
But there is no escape
And I wonder
What will happen to them
When I am gone.

Will God take them out
Piece by piece
Because he probably sees them now
And already knows.

Where I went wrong
And what I did or didn't do
The mistakes and the omissions
To haunt me.

But I can't be forgiven
Until I forgive myself
And no one can move on
Unfinished and undone.

No man can change the past
And you can't change people
Not unless they are willing
And really understand.

I had to change myself
But not soon enough to matter
So here I remain
Picking up the mess
From yesterdays pain.

You are all free
But I know you will not leave
So I will have to say goodbye
Until I think of you again.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Infrared a poem for the night

Infrared 9/28/2011

There is what you see
But there is more that you don't
Spreading downwards in all directions
A gigantic invisible world.

The night has a heaviness
That weighs on the mind
A tidal force almost imperceptible
That tilts towards dreams
And madness.

I have laid down to rest
On a bed of debts and dread
Exhausted from another day
Of keeping my head above water
And beneath the blade.

In a momentary silence
My mind starts to race
Adding up all the consuquences
Of a thousand random decisions.

I imagine myself in spirit
The one I really am
Rising out of my body
And climbing to the roof.

Unfettered and fearless
I leap from the tiles
And ride the wind upwards
Rising on the current
Higher and higher.

I dig my wings deep
And I can feel the pull of the muscle
And I can smell the wet earth
And the cold rush of air.

Picking up speed
I glide above the streets
Along a path
that I know so well.

I make a lazy circle
Over the old house
The one I loved
And the one I lost.

I look at the backyard
Where we buried the rabbit
And bank to the right
Heading east
Higher and Higher.

I pass over the interstate
And south to the highway
Watching the cars
And the reflections.

Turning right I see the houses
Knowing what to do
And knowing where to go
To find the missing pieces
And pay off what is owed.

Coming down fast
I come to the twisting turns
Right, left, right, and left
Back to the place
Where the payment is due.

My eyes are burning
And my teeth are flashing
Jagged, bleeding
And very hungry.

The windows and the doors
Do not slow me down
Because I am here for a reason
To pay back my debts in full.

The debt is heavy
And the interest is high
But I have come back to pay it
And pay it I will.

But I am not paying with money
Because money isn't the most important
But rather to punish
And destroy.

My hands are like iron
And they twist and pull apart
Ripping everything to pieces
Except for the innocent
And the mistaken.

The terror has only begun
And nothing can stop it
Not until everything is paid
And there is nothing left.

Quick Sand 9/28/2011

We are so smart
That we are dumb
Always looking to others
To tell us how to live.

We buy all their answers
Like they should know better
Picking out the pieces
That tell us
What we want.

Everyone makes mistakes
But the bigger the mistake
The harder it is to admit
So instead we dig deeper
and pretend that its okay.

It is hard to climb up
But easy to fall down
And better it is to swallow your pride
Than it is
To pretend.

We dig ourselves deeper and deeper
And then resign ourselves to failure
Too deep to escape we think
and trapped by the need.

The more we struggle
The tighter the grip becomes
Pulling us downwards like quicksand
In a suffocating panic.

Surrendering ourselves
For others peoples dreams
Pretending that they are the same
And dying every day.

Scheduling ourselves into oblivion
And watched every single moment
Every day on and every day off
All for something
We never intended.

Give yourself up
And give yourself away
Hurting others
And killing yourself.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

85 North

85 North 9/27/2011

Join me in a duel
On a highway of death
Dragging the past behind us
In tons of screaming metal.

There is no need to fear
If you are seriously delinquent
Because its already too late
To be perfect
And no one cares at all.

In death there are no phone calls
And in the hereafter
There is no boredom
Nothing ever so ugly
That you have to tear it down.

No lemmings clawing up the road
And nobody turned upside down
Making us all wait
And screwing us around.

If you don't know by now
Then maybe you never will
Just how cruel the world can be
And just how horribly skewed.

It takes a strange confidence
To taunt a man in a cage
Reminding him every day
what he once had
But lost.

To dangle freedom
In his face
Whie he struggles
Against the chains.

Standing in a gray cube
Without love or comfort
While life runs on and on
Without apparent consequence.

We all hold our breath and wait
For something to give
Or anything to happen
Something we can hang onto
And know we are alive.

I tired to paint the memory
But covered the canvas in black
Covering it with white crosses
To resurrect the dead.

Without blood
And without asphalt
Nothing but the glass
And twisted metal.

A slow drip into the vein
Or gushing out an artery
We are found, measured and weighed
Or buried under a tree.

Some will run
And some will save
While others kneel to the moon god
And wail.

But life goes on
And remains so superficial
Fake, shallow, dumb, and dead
Wasted and useless.

I have stood and waited
But there is nothing there
Just a whole lot of pretending
That leaves me twisting slowly
And hanging in the air.

But for me the indifference burns
Because it lives without passion
And surivives without air
A cold and frigid nightmare
That should never survive.

But if this be the world
Then what are we to do
And what are we to feel
Exhausted by the weight
Of heavy handed lies.

With nothing but silence
So that we would not know
What it means to be alive
And to suffer.

Driving down the asphalt
And wearing down the treads
I'll take my chances
Rather than to know
the horror that awaits.

You can join me
Or you can go
There is no need to ask
And nothing left to question.

The future is what it is
And I guess that they are right
I would never understand
Because I was born free
And live like a I am.

Join me in life
That lives not in fear
Heading north
With nothing left to lose.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Awake 9/26/2011

Some days are good
And some days are bad
Lost in the routine
Of a million distractions
The meaning and the cure.

It is hard to feel the same
And I hate all the indifference
That insidious pull of gravity
Pulling me into
A silent gray death.

All good men may suffer
And even the King's head
Is weighed down
By obligation and debt.

We experience the day
But remain a bystander
Cut off from the living
And far away from safety.

Inertia like gravity
Holds the status quo in place
Lulling us to sleep
In a false sense of safety.

Our minds drift
From thought to thought
Frozen by inaction
And atrophied by time.

My heart stopped
When I stopped caring
And I stopped caring
When all my friends were dead.

I dream that they are with me
But they are but ghosts
Of friendships past
Just shadows of what was
Frozen in time.

I live
But only in the shadows
And I act
But only to survive.

But something has happened
In the deepest of sleep
And from the smallest of sparks
Comes the greatest of fires.

The spirit has descended
And rests upon my heart
Awakening what was asleep
And inspiring me to action.

I can feel it coming
And with it
The weight is lifted
And my life is new.

If I am here at all
Then there is a reason
And if there is a reason
It will never be known
If I am silent or dead.

The price of life is high
But only for the willing
And the price of silence
Cannot be counted
Because without words
There is no love.

My heart is full of fire
And all I had to do was ask
But even the greatest of fires
Burns itself out
Without an opening for air.

Life hurts
And to speak
Is also to risk
That the hand or heart outstretched
Could be rejected
And come back empty
Or ashamed.

To learn is to understand
What it means to make a guess
Knowing what are your limits
In words, thoughts, and deeds.

I have searched for this wisdom
Elusive as a dream
And more precious than treasure
But the search itself
Remains the greatest
And an end in itself.

It burns even when I sleep
And I can sense the spirit
Lifting me under his wings
Taking me to greater heights
Than any I could bear.

I shall keep a pen beside me
qand write down the words
Whispered by the ghosts
In the thin cold air.

Their words and no my own
Shall burn forth
And shine through the fog
leading us all to greater glories
And bringing us all
Safely home.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ancient graffiti

I am not going to write this
Just to rattle some cages
But rather to take a match to paper
And set the world on fire.

A fire that burns in the heart
That no man can ever put out
Consuming all that we were
And spreading out of control.

To release the burning spirit
The one we have denied
And let him loose upon the sleeping
Waking them up
From endless dreams.

The truth is here
Hidden in plain sight
But not until we speak it
Will it ever be seen.

The world is frozen in silence
And I get nothing in return
But silence tells me everything
That I already knew.

Its hard to keep a secret from a liar
Because they have much to hide
And even silence betrays the truth
Because we all know
That they are watching.

Sometimes life defies logic
And wounds our collective soul
A gaping wound
Bleeding through the bandages
That no one seems to notice.

Sometimes there is just not enough
And someone has to lose
Or someone has to die
The last scraps consumed
and all the places filled
Leaing someone with an empty stomach
Or empty pockets.

The lonely have nothing to hold
Untouched and unloved
And they twist their hands
Hanging their heads
In the worst kind of shame.

But some things stick out
And sear into memory
Things that cannot be explained
By logic or reason.

These are the things
That shake us violently
Down to our very soul
And even with time
Remain painful and shocking.

They have no sensible explanation
Because its too awful to admit
Dripping with a hatred, greed, and jealousy
That deceives, robs, and kills.

They lay out naked
Like bloody bodies in the sun
Crying out for vengeance
Unheard and unknown.

No one looks
And no one speaks
Lest they acknowledge
Truths too horrible to confront
And wounds that cannot heal.

People all around me
Make small talk and laugh
But I just stare shell shocked
Into a different place and time.

If will was enough
I would be home now
Instead of endlessly clawing
Back to someplace else.

Any fool can die
Because everyone will
And nothing is as selfish
As a suicide.

But those who know love
Survivie not for themselves
But for others
The young and the powerless
Who always pay the ransom
In a million silent ways.

Real strength tries to save
And real strenght is loyal
Unflinching in hardship
And full of life.

Two, Four, Seven, Three
Ans Six, Eight, Fifty One
The numbers have a meaning
But only in the end
Because the writing is on the wall
But no one wants to read.

Ancient prophets spoke
But no one wanted to know
Too busy to listen
And too deaf to hear.

But the whirlwind is coming
So we had better be ready
Because the past is far away
and the present is all we know.

Listen to the ground
And open up your eyes
Let the world hear the truth
Before the night lulls us to sleep.

Now is the time for love
But not the fake or superficial
But to speak, love, feel, and remember
What is real
And what is true.

Undead Poets Society


I am not going to write this

Just to rattle some cages

But rather to take a match

To some paper

And set the world on fire.

A fire that burns in the heart

That no man can ever put out

Consuming all that we were

And spreading out of control.

To release the burning spirit

The one we have denied

And let him loose upon the sleeping

Waking them up

From endless dreams.

The truth is here

Hidden in plain sight

But no until we speak it

Will it ever be seen.

The world is frozen in silence

And I get nothing in return

But silence tells me everything

That I already knew.

Its hard to keep a secret from a liar

Because they have much to hide

And even silence betrays the truth

Because we all know

That they are is watching.

Sometimes life defies logic

And wounds our collective soul

A gaping wound

Bleeding through the bandages

That no one seems to see.

Sometimes there is just not enough

And someone has to lose

Or someone has to die

The last scraps consumed

And all the places filled

Leaving someone with an empty stomach

Or empty pockets.

The lonely have nothing to hold

Untouched and unloved

And they twist their hands

Hanging their heads

In the worst kind of shame.

But some things stick out

And sear into memory

Things that cannot be explained

By logic or reason.

These are the things

That shake us violently

Down to our very soul

And even with time

Remain painful and shocking.

They have no sensible explanation

Because it is too awful to admit

Dripping with a hatred, greed, and jealousy

That deceives, robs, and kills.

They lay out nakeed

Like bloody bodies in the sun

Crying out for vengance

Unheard and unknown.

No one looks

And no one speaks

Lest they have to acknowledge

Truths to horrible to confront

And wounds that cannot heal.

People all around me

Make small talk and laugh

But I just stare shell shocked

Into a different place and time.

If will was enough

I would be home now

Instead of endlessly clawing

Back to someplace else.

Any fool can die

Because everyone will

And nothing is as selfish

As a suicide.

But those who know love

Survive not for themselves

But for others

The young and the powerless

Who always pay the ransome

In a million silent ways.

Real strenght tires to save

And real strenght is loyal

Unflinching in hardship

And full of life.

Two, four, seven, three

And six, eight, fifty one

The numbers have meaning

But only in the end

Because the writing is on the wall

But no one wants to read.

Ancient prophets spoke

But no one wanted to know

Too busy to listen

And too deaf to hear.

But the wirlwind is coming

So we had better be ready

Because the past is far away

And the present is all we know.

Listen to the ground

And open up your eyes

Let the world hear the truth

Before the night lulls us to sleep.

Now is the time for love

But not the fake or superficial

But to speak, love, feel, and remember

What is real

And what is true.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Doctor No

Doctor No 9/9/2011 I just wrote this in five minutes. I will be in Raleigh NC next week and don't think I'll get to write any. Just some thoughts on having the courage to say "No"

If you have not learned already
Than now is the time
Time to learn
And time to know.

There are many who would live
If they had only said no
And there are many who have suffered
Just because others
Were confused.

We follow the path
That is easy
The one that is laid out
The one that is easy
With the least resistance.

But the wide path leads to death
And may are those who walk it
Never knowing and never comprehending
The truth
Or the light.

I am the shadow
Of the things that were
and I am the promise
Of who I am learning.

Sleeping in the dust
Through a long dry season
And waking up
After a long nights dream.

A cruel day is shinning
And the sun beats down
On the good and the bad
But the difference is in knowing
And doing what you can.

But even the worst
Could be better
If we just knew
How much was enough.

There is a time to love
And there is a time to go
Even if we are alone
And even if we suffer.

For it is better to be alone
Than to walk in death
And better it is to lose
Than it is to pretend.

The prophets belong to the ages
And many are those who lived before
Who also loved and also cried
And who sacrificed
Rolled over and died.

I am a vessel
And I am a voice
Crying out in the desert
Never knowing if anyone listens
And never knowing if anyone understands.

It is hard to be a man
And there is little comfort
In the shadows
but I have lived this dream before
And know all its horrors.

I drank the grapes
And I ate the wheat
Never thinking about
How it was planted
And how it grows.

The dreams of the dead
Are more simple than you think
Unwanted they wander
Unable to leave
And unable to rest.

Tied to a past
That won't let them go
Trapped in worlds of silence
Without any hope of reoncilliation
Or peace.

They groan from phantom pains
And think they are living
Retracing their steps
In an unending ritual
Dragging their feet
And dragging their chains.

But for the living
There is hope
That tomorrow is today
And enough is enough.

A good enough time
To say goodbye
With a hopeful heart
And a determined mind.

To confront what is wrong
And unburden your emotions
To avoid cruelty
And unwanted expectations.

To say no
Even if it hurts
Becuse it is better that others suffer
A little
Than to suffer forever.

The Treasure Hunt

The Treasure Hunt 9/9/2011

The trees bear fruit

And it has ripened in time

Heavy with juice

And ready to fall.

And what was once

Shall be again

And all the treasure

Once lost

Shall live again

In heaven and on earth.

Even death has a memory

And even in the smoking ruins

You can find pieces of the past

The charred pieces that make you cry

As they are carried upwards

And in the ashes fly.

I too have seen

And I too have known

And but for the smallest of chances

I too would smile.

I remember all my treasure

But not the kind you might think

Because it is not about the money

And it’s not about my name.

It’s not about how it looks

Because I never tired to take

And I never tried to win

For all I wanted was to save

What could not be won

And could not be possessed.

I hung on every single word

And I woke up with anticipation

Every single day

Because there was hope in the air

And I was loved.

If I had only known

Just how precious life could be

There is so much I would have done

And so much I would have saved.

But sometimes life is wasted

On the young and the foolish

And we squander the greatest of treasures

Out of stupidity

And useless angst.

Like a sheep to the slaughter

We follow our nose to death

Never looking up

And never looking ahead.

I polished my shoes

And I longed for the day

Trading e-mails with friends

And long leisurely lunches.

But I was not ready

Because I did not know

And words don’t mean a thing

Until you have lived

And suffered them through.

I could cry

But it does no good

And I could walk

But each step is painful.

I was lucky

And the words haunt my dreams

Because I knew and tried to save

What could not be saved.

We all seek comfort and safety

But there is no help for the lonely

And no dreams for the poor

Nothing but agony

And nothing but grief.

I would trade all my treasure

For a pearl of great value

But it is wasted upon the foolish

Who only see the food.

They only live

From the outside in

Because inside they are empty

Without a conscience or a soul.

Simple, shallow, dumb and dead

Manipulative and cruel

They listen just to please

And give just to steal.

They look for a rich harvest

But care nothing for the vine

Because all they want is appearance

And care nothing for the cost.

They think no one has noticed

And they cover all their tracks

But although their harvest ripens

It shall die all at once.

You can wash the dirt off your face

But it won’t change a thing

Because if there is no food in the fridge

And no gas in the car

Then no matter how much you try

You won’t get very far.

We are just fumbling in the dark

Never knowing what to do

And never knowing what to say

Spending our lives treading water

Further and further down the river.

Water passes under the bridge

But I can still see the looks of horror

As people watch all they loved

Carried away and disappear.

There is nothing quite as tragic

Than those who must watch

And be reminded every day

Everything that they had

And everything that they lost.

Everything takes time

And even poison

Doesn’t kill instantly

Working its way through the system

To take our breath away.

The sentence has been delivered

And the time for change is over

And those close will also suffer

Because they knew

And did not act.

You can call once

Or you can call a thousand times

But you will get what is coming

And will wither on the vine.

An honest farmer

Can lose his harvest

And have nothing left

But evil men shall have no warning

When everything dies at once.

Looks are deceiving

And people try very hard

But if they ignore what’s inside

Then the truth will devour them alive.

They can talk

And they can think

By I have been a lot of places

And I have heard it all before.

They have never had

A dark night of the soul

And they have never stared

Into the setting sun.

They have never held the dying

And they have never faced the truth

The kind that grabs you

And just won’t let go.

They have not suffered through

The hardship that tests your strength

Or made the tough choices

And stood the against the consequences

The whole way through.

It is done

And it is finished

Because the good die only once

And then live forever.

But men of lies and cruelty

Shall suffer more than me

Because the end has only begun

And only the good are forgiven.

Sliding back is effortless

And giving up is easy

And so many have died

Without every really knowing

Exactly who they were.

They spent their time

Trying on other people’s lives

And wearing other peoples masks

Giving in

And giving up.

If I lose

And if I die

I shall bear the burden

And finish with honor.

For better it is

To lose the world

Than to lose your soul

For a few pieces of gold.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

911 a poem

Nine One One: A poem on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks

The streets still buzz with laughter

And the crowds walk by asleep

While the world drones on in slumber

On their way to someplace else.

But for me

I do not want to walk

Because the streets

Are filled with memory

And horror.

A smoking mass of death

Of twisted steel and glass

Concrete and dust

Smoke and fire

Steel canyons and concrete mountains

Surround the souls between

As we stare out glass windows

Down at the world below.

The truth still is

Just as we always knew

That part in the back of your mind

That we are taught

Not to trust.

God doesn’t force himself
On the living or the dead

And I rest in his wisdom

For it is he who will be the judge

Between my enemies and me.

There are those

Versed in murder

And how they love

To twist the facts.

Nothing to low

Or two ghastly

To achieve their desires

Nothing but to subjugate

Coerce, convert or murder.

In the name of peace

Many have died in vain

And in the name of kindness

The fatherless will cry.

How can you fight an enemy

If you can’t even say his name

And how can you save freedom?

When it dies

From the inside out.

The enemy is complacency

And only the vigilant will survive

Our ideals worth more than tolerance

And our children worth more than lies.

Hateful men love to injure

And their favorite weapon is guilt

But let God find the truly guilty

And wipe them away.

Heroes don’t need to hide

And martyrs don’t wear a mask

For the just do not cut throats

And the good never run.

They pray for destruction

And they minds are full of hatred

We must know it and speak it

And make no apologies.

I am not ashamed

For who I am

And I won’t apologize

For where I am from.

I am not guilty

For the crimes of any other

And this I know for sure

I don’t owe anyone


A giant has started to awake

Because he has been sleeping

Soon he will stand

And the whole world will shake.

You can go and tell the reverend

That his chickens will soon come home

To perch on his own head

A crude and hateful man.

Small men with smaller minds

They have not spoken to God

But only to a demon

Inside of themselves.

They like to make speeches

And listen to themselves

And they love to yell and scream

In their own foolish vanity.

They have denied the true Lord

In words and in their hearts

Seeking instead the prophet of doom

And the glory of murder.

A slow moving invasion

Threatens the future

But wise is the man who understands

That now is the time to fight

Before ignorance overcomes

En masse.

A man murders not women

And a man marries not a child

God does not require murder

To make anyone believe.

I have seen the hatred

And it is not our fault

That is the biggest lie of all

The one they tell over and over

The one they wish was true.

Evil men lust for power

And care not for the future

For many have been condemned

By the purchase of votes.

Behold a Trojan horse

Is sitting inside our homes

And those within

Have unlocked the gates

For the enemy to slit our throats.

I am not afraid to die

But I feel much more than that

Because I intend to do much better

Than just sit around and wait

But ready to defend

And willing to kill.

Come and kick in my door

And find out what will happen

Because I have seen

And I know how it ends.