Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rest In Peace

This is a poem I wrote in 2004 and it is still one of my favorites. I have never published it before and only sent it to few friends. Here it is, exactly as written in 2004. I have often thought of starting a blog called Rest In Peace, but I am not sure if the names are already taken.

Rest In Peace

A friend died yesterday in her sleep
Gone the same as the love I keep
Prayers falling silent as I hold back the tears
Gazing backward at the forgotten years.

Recovering from cancer in a hospital bed
Doctors searching for the reason she bled
Peacefully slipping into the waiting sleep
No time left to remember or weep.

Beautiful, alive and vibrant was she
Taken too young the same age as me
A husband and child cry alone in the night
Memories of laughter disappearing from sight.

I heard she was getting better and might be going home
Now she sleeps in a coffin free and alone
I hardly knew her it suddenly seems
Mere acquaintances minus hopes and dreams.

In my thoughts and meandering ways
Barely noticing the passing days
Love an afterthought in the back of my mind
Forgotten in the depths of the details I find.

Sleepless again I think of my days
The things I worry about on a temporary stay
Sleepless souls that wander the earth
Searching for the meaning of a random birth

Again and again I ask the same old questions
Again and again I whisper the same old confessions
Seeking the answers in my heart and mind
Aching for the peace I can never find.

Wondering again if I would live or die
Wondering again if it would matter why
Thinking of those I’ll leave behind
Do I have a reason or am I running blind?

I can remember standing in her doorway
Fumbling and not knowing what to say
What was wrong with my heart I keep thinking?
Silent as a ghost as I keep on drinking.

I remember the party at the beach
The wind was whipping as I touched her cheek
Time stood still for that day and week
The smell of the sea and the sand in our feet.

At her wedding I sat in the pew
We shared a glance or two
No need to talk or cry
She knew the reason why.

She seemed so happy that day
At least she had found her way
I sat there lonely and lost
Crushed by the weight of the cost.

Inside my heart I make a solemn vow
Uncertain the future from the here and now
Covered in blood from a dreaming trance
Was it me or just a random chance?

Wandering again to a half remembered past
Memories of when I saw her last
Grasping at the seconds disappearing fast
Much like the vodka in this empty glass.

Trying to find a still small voice
Wondering if I’ll ever make the choice
My faith in man long crumbled
Mourning a friend so sweet and humble.

I cry out in this night of despair
“Why not me” to the glass I swear
Love is the answer on the lips of the dead
And love was the bread on which Christ fed.

“I’m sorry” the words come out in a flood
“I love you” spills out along with the blood
“I prayed for you” dear friend
Why did you die? And why did it end?

I dreamed I felt your spirit flying above my bed
Was it really you or just the vodka instead?
I felt the shivers and I felt the fire
Running like a current in an electric wire.

I heard you whisper the words to my heart
Soft and sweet to a friend from the start
“Be calm and know I am fine”
“I shall see you again in a future time”.

Immortal spirits strangers to the world
Scanning the heavens for a truth unfurled.
Awakened again from their ghostly sleep
Full blooded soldiers rising from the deep.

Disembodied dreams of the lonely and lost
In parts and pieces of a woody cross
Resurrected with the broken and bruised
Redeemed with the weary, weak and abused

Ancient promise fulfilled in time
Hastening forward quickened by the sign
Descending from heaven on the chargers we ride
Legions of heaven in the sky divide.

I shall see you there I whisper in my dream
At the end of times when we put away our schemes
I remember your words and I remember your kiss
Time or distance cannot chain the love I miss.

Death cannot separate the bonds of love
Death cannot chain the spirits above
Now you are free of the pain you suffered
Unspoken as the words I never offered.

I can feel you right now in my heart
Blowing across my face like a breeze in the park
Electric needles that pierce my skin
Like your face and mischievous grin.

In the second life I hope to be your friend
Forgiven of the love I could never send
Reunited in a warm embrace
All pain and suffering forgotten and erased.

We grasp at the little puffs of time
I try to capture them in little words of rhyme
For all things must die in the end
Now you have my heart with the love I send.

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