Friday, June 17, 2011

Trading Faces

Trading faces 6/17/2011

We live on a mountain
But inside it’s full of air
While we just speculate
About a future
That’s not even there.

We pretend and we go
Amusing ourselves
With bland escapism
Reflexively living
And suffocating our souls.

We have borrowed
And we have begged
Digging in our feet
Just to keep
What we have.

But the foundation is crumbling
And the platform is burning
An unsustainable future
Just like we always knew.

One thing leads to another
And even a single ripple
Spreads out to every shore
Ever widening in their implications
Either for the best
Or for the worst.

God has been waiting
And God has been brooding
But the wait is almost over
And the end has already begun.

For every life
There is an end
And for everything that rises
There shall also be a fall.

For those who have lived
And for those who know
It shall not be a surprise
But for those who pretend
The fall shall be hard
And without end.

They have used up all their ideas
And they have lied every day
Building one upon another

Until no one knows the truth.

They have manipulated
And they have controlled
Using up every moment
Always planning and always striving
Just to keep
What was never theirs.

When their house is broken
They shall fall hard
Without anyone left to protect them
The whole truth will be known.

The truth is greater than lies
And these words are like iron
Crashing down upon their head
With every dream
And every night.

Higher and higher I shall go
And then I will dive down
Gathering speed with every meter
Because my spirit will not be stopped
By wood, brick, or glass
Screaming downward
Through the walls.

The truth is coming
And the price will be paid
No matter the distance
It travels close behind.

But for a few dollars
What hell have we seen
And what will we say
When our comfort
Must be explained.

Cruelty and manipulation
Are not strength
And duplicitous efforts
Are fake and insincere.

Because its not what you do
Or even where you go
Because we are who we are
And that cannot change.

Even a fool
Can tell what is fake
And even the dreamers
Can sense something is wrong.

When every person
Has the same opinion
Then you have found something rare
Something you cannot deny
Universal and true.

If they had no money
Why exactly was that
Because I know the reason
And the cause.

Our lives have switched
And the world is upside down
But the fire still burns
Unintended and out of control.

I am poor but I am not worthless
And what was started
Is not over yet
Because the flames are spreading
And there is nothing you can do.

There are some things
That you just shouldn’t do
Because there is a price to be paid
Too great for any to bear.

An honest man was interrupted
With malice and disrespect
And that was the day
And that was the hour
That the die was caste
And the sentence delivered.

The fire is burning
And the iron is hot
Up above I can see a wasteland
The one that is to come.

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