Monday, June 13, 2011

Age of Iron

Age of Iron 6/13/2011

Gold, Silver, Bronze or Iron
For each an age
And for each a reason
For men made of clay
And angels made of iron.

The tail leads the head
And the bottom rules the mind
As the world spins upside down
And backwards
Out of season
And out of time.

Men are divided into fractions
And act only to serve themselves
Grasping at whatever is left
Just to have
What they cannot keep.

We are Spoon fed
And divided up for slaughter
Still full of potential
But we are dumbed down
Wasted and dead.

As predictable as the sun
The dreams they want us to buy
And they portray men
With inverted truth
Transposing the good and the bad
Just like they wish they were.

But their king is a fraud
And evil men taunt the good
Anything to injure
And anything to steal.

They do not miss a chance
And they do not give up a dime
Because they worship themselves
And die every day.

The do not give a thing
And they do not help the dying
They just look the other way
And blame someone else.

They do not acknowledge their fault
And they grasp tightly
At their treasure
But it will all turn to dust
And run between their fingers.

He who watches also knows
The difference between
The inside and out
And he who knows where to look
Shall also see the truth.

But by their cruelty
You shall know the doomed
And on their heads
Shall fall the fire
And also the shame.

For they have injured the good
And stolen from the poor
Mocking God
And taunting the faithful.

God shall not wait forever
He is alive and watching
Just across the threshold
Of cross dimensional vision
Disgusted by our contempt
And tired of our derision.

My wings dig deep
And I glide in my thoughts
Following the path
That is familiar
Back across where I have been
And to places I’ve never seen.

I can see it clearly
And I know where to go
Coming to take what is owed
With my hands and my teeth.

The nights of terror have begun
And there is no end in sight
Getting worse and worse
Until the sky splits in two.

The world is dying
And its death throes are mighty
Heaving wind, water and earth
Higher and higher.

The fires burn
And the animals run
Because they can sense
What man cannot
That something is wrong
So they squeal in fear.

The flames are burning hotter
But outside it’s colder than ever
As all the engines grind on
Speeding up or slowing down.

There are things you cannot see
And there are murders
And horrors unspoken
And we stand by unprotected
Governed with contempt
By statists and liars.

We stand by
And know what to do
But we cower at mere words
While the few
Shout down the many.

It is time to stay awake
And it is time to be ready
Because time is speeding up
And no one can slow it down.

We have looked for answers
And cherry picked our justifications
But life is not multiple choice
And the truth is crystal clear.

We lost paradise
Before we even knew it
And now they talk of utopia
But don’t’ have a clue.

I have made up my mind
And there is no turning back
Not by word or by cunning
Can man ever hide
From what he is
Or what he has done.

It’s time to break the surface
And its time to break this silence
Rising up to take the bloody banner
And charge forward screaming
Straight at the enemy
And into hell.

Faith is not a phase
That we try on for awhile
Abandoned because of hardship
Or forgotten by blessing.

Because it is better to be real
Than it is to be safe
And that it is better to stand
Than it is to run.

Yes there is good
And yes there is evil
Just like men of clay
And angels of iron.

There are some saints
And yes there are martyrs
For in this world
The good are not guaranteed
And evil not always punished
At least not for now
But not forever.

I know what it looks like
Even though I have not seen it
And my grip will not be shaken
And my heart will not be broken.

In the flaming pit
They have thrown the useless
To slowly burn away
And dissolve into nothing.

I am tossed in the fire
But I remain unburned
Molten metal filling in the cracks
And fusing back together.

I have come out
Stronger than before
With bright shining armor
And fierce blazing eyes.

God has made me
And God lifts me up
Tonight I will rise even higher
And ride on wings of iron.

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