Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Yesterdays-- Mid Day Dream

Day Dreamer 6/20/2011

In the middle of the day
And in the middle of a life
When the day finally comes
That we know
And finally understand.

That there is nothing unique
And that there is nothing special

That our life and our times
Are not about us at all.

That what we have lost
Will always matter more
Than what we have gained
And that what we love
Will always hurt.

We sit in the doldrums
And we brood about the loss
Wasting away the hours
No matter what we do.

I distract myself
With thoughts of whimsy
And dream
That I am immortal.

In my thoughts
I think of different lives
Ones in which I do not suffer
And never have to cry.

I think of brilliant crystal snowflakes
Falling through a white winter sky
Dancing around our faces
Like weightless diamonds.

I ride on black iron wings
And soar up into the heavens
Above the drudgery of the day
And the fear of tomorrow.

The world turns
Without thought or emotion
And we are left
Without explanation or remorse.

Babies are born
And people die
Growing together or growing apart
Never to question
And never to know.

I want more than this
But my debts are close behind
And I wonder what really matters
When everything else is gone.

My thoughts pass by
And I am happy but also sad
That life goes on and changes
No matter what we choose.

I have made my choices
And lived in wild emotion
Unthinking and stubborn
Unknowing and done.

No one can go back
And time splits apart
What no man can move
But for the smallest of chances
Where would I be.

Looking forward
The future is an impenetrable fog
Hiding all sorts of adventure
And death.

But the past becomes translucent
And every single word
And every single mistake
Become memories
Full of laughter
That stab at your heart.

But even this wasted folly
Shall not forever last
As it gives way to possibility
Where we shall laugh again.

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