Thursday, December 22, 2016

Flood Warning

Flood Warning           12/22/2016

This is the night of nines
Eight floors below
As we stroll through
The garden of beasts
In and out the door. 

Sliding in
And sliding down
Closer and closer
To zero. 

Tied up and tied off
The loose ends
Are run down
Or suicided.

Convenient and silent
The truth is subverted
Dormant for another day
And another night.  

Dispersed in every direction
The evil army sleeps
Scatted, and splintered
Impossible to track
And Hard to find.

All of it on purpose
The trickle
Becomes a flood
The hands of complicity
Dripping with blood. 

All of it predictable
And all of it paid for
The same as it always was
A long time ago.

The roots are hated
But the tree is murder
All based on a lie
And the poisonous fruit
Of death. 

See it blossom
And see it bloom
Three minutes till midnight
Terror, deception, and doom. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Double think     12/21/2016

By the tiniest of margins
We have survived
Escaping more than we know
Dead in the ground. 

Deep down
All of them knew
But they doubted themselves
Into the grave. 

Second guessing
And double minded
They overruled their instincts
Willfully giving in
Trusting and dead.

And all they had to do
Was say no
Keeping their distance
Far away from here. 

Bludgeoned and beaten
Defiled and discarded
The wasted flesh
Of the tragically misguided. 

No one warned them
And no one spoke
As they all whistled
Past the graveyard
On their way to the end. 

Pride kills
And the weakest
Are always vain
Jealous and envious
Murderous and dumb. 

Lashing out
Without reason
And unable to grasp
Or grow.  

Let them dangle
And let them die
Come to the end
Without appeal
Or sympathy. 

Never true
And never worthy
The evil of darkness
Hateful, vile, and empty. 


 Serpentine              12/21/2016

Nothing is enough
But evil carries the day
Unencumbered by conscience
Empty, soulless, and vile. 

Heaping praise upon the killers
And vilifying honest men
The truly abominable
Hateful liar.

A wise man should know
That open doors
Close caskets
As evil sneaks in
Crawling on his belly.

The cages are opened
And now the beasts emerge
Imported and dispersed
On time
And on purpose. 

The cause and effect
Straight as a razor
The intent to destroy
With every action
Or inaction.

The ghost of the future
Stares into our soul
Asking us again and again
What course
We will follow.

Evil does not want
An apology
And evil does not desire
Our repentance
For peace. 

All it wants is death
And all it gives is suffering
Waiting for the good to weaken
So they can murder
And steal. 

Now they come out
And you can see who they are
The face of true hatred
Exposed to daylight
And contorted with rage.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Razor      12/20/2016

Life goes on
With barely a ripple
Nothing but a silent thought
Lost to time. 

We stare at
A pointless screen
Skimmed over
And never understood. 

She told me
That words have power
And that is also true
Because words are everything
And also nothing. 

Either lost forever
Or nurtured in wounds
The thoughtless damage
Of emotion
Or omission.

We seek to know
But never do
As I still wonder why
And get nothing.

We all know anger
And we all know disappointment
But who can allow
The ambivalence of nothingness.

We are
Who we are
And that much is me
A pitiful waste
Left in the lurch
Naked and dead.

I laughed without knowledge
And let my emotions rule
Unprotected and unguarded
Foolish, dumb and raw. 

Unknowingly judged
And secretly measured
Money over loyalty
And escape over truth.

I did not lie
Not then
And not now
But the liar lives
And liars lie.

I did what I thought was right
But it didn’t matter at all
Overleveraged and undefended
Ripe, fat, and limp. 

They kept me close
And watched my moves
Tracking me
Day and night. 

Calling me up
And calling me friend
All the while envious
And all the while cruel. 

Trading places
In the dark
Under the table
And far away. 

Gaming the tables
For every advantage
The evil of the eye
Shifting small and fake. 

Whispering and lying
Hiding and taking
The busy hands of a thief
In my back pocket.

I did not suspect
That least possible threat
But the greatest of losses
Can come form
The weakest of hands. 

With a cheap malice
And a shallow heart
The unbelievable grief
Sudden and cruel. 

I asked her why
And she cut me in half
The words I cannot forget
Night and day
Day and night. 

We can build up
Or we can tear down
All lined up
Neat and deadly. 

Today I am guarded
And today I am humble
Never again as trusting
And never again as safe.

Straightened and scrubbed
And strangled by debt
Without choice
But to lose.    

Standing alone
I signed what I had
Undefended and cold
Abandoned and sad.

It has been a long road back
And I have not made it yet
But still I remember
And cannot forget. 

Let evil slip
And let evil fall
The proud and the mighty
Brought low. 

Let the words
Condemn with knowledge
Of what, who, and when
The truth more than enough
For everyone to see. 

At the perfect time
And at the perfect place
The liar exposed
To eat them all.   

Winter Passing

Winter Passing                          12/20/2016

I wasn’t supposed
To wake up
And I wasn’t supposed
To rock the boat. 

Born to sleep
And live out my dreams
Dozing in the shallows
Face down 
And dumb.
And bored to death
A true believer
And empty buyer.

Over burdened
And over spent
Distracted by sparkles
Dangled in my eyes.   

But something happened
And something changed
As tiny as a droplet of water
Falling like a cinder
On top of my head.

Almost imperceptible
The vanishing wisp of vapor
The promise of eternity
Acceptance and faith. 

Falling deep within
and straight to the mark
The inner eye opened
A tinder and a spark.

It was then
That it all began
The long nights journey
Into day.

But we cannot win
Until we lose
Giving up all that was
To take on
What is new. 

It hurt
But waking up
Always does
Bracing and cold
The labor of the day.

The harvest awaits
So let us work
Even though it drains away
And even though
It dissapears. 

The seed is planted
And sacrifice is made
Long ago buried
And rising again.

The fruit is the promise
And now I see the signs
Some of it real
And some of it fake.

Against insurmountable odds
We live
And breathe
Loved eternally
And never forgotten.

Others may sleep
And others may rage
Let them all fall away
In the hour
And in the day.