Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Ten One

Ten One                        8/31/2016

It is better protect
Than it is to persecute
But some are always penalized
While others are preferred.

No amount of lies can change
The obvious truth
Carved inside our hearts
From the inside out. 

Who is the real liar?
And who is the real joke?
Hiding behind falsehood
And covered up with smoke.

An honest man
Is a happy man
Because living in the truth
Heals the heart.

But evil men spend their strength
Hiding their true intentions
Avoiding sunlight
Anyway they can. 

Attacking the good
And defaming the defenseless
As they fill their pockets with money
From the worst kind of scum. 

Only a fool cannot see it coming
The greatest deception of all
Skewed and slanted
Obvious and dumb. 

Their strangle hold is loosening
Just when they thought
They could never lose
So now they scramble in desperation
To lie and to kill. 

Clamping down
And censoring the truth
Omitted and obfuscated
At the most convenient time. 

Hateful and jealous
The murderous and raping horde
Released with malice
Upon the innocent and good. 

But God
He will keep his promise
To the lost
That he has found.

Even if they forgot
Who they were
And from where
They have come. 

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