Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Payday                8/10/2016

A flicker a flame
The light it almost out
As evil reigns
In a great big lie.

I would give more
But I have nothing left
All of it gone
Through deceit and theft.

Selling me
And selling you
For money
And for power
All in a half truth
That was never true at all. 

Covering up the reasons
And covering up the truth
The father of lies
And the father of murder. 

Right here
And right now
The perfect seat
To know and to see.  

Bought and sold
Soulless and dead
All fixed up
And all fixed in. 

Innocence is nothing
And good is outdated
As they trade away
For a few dollars more.  

Many lie
And many are quiet
Sleeping in their dreams
Used and forgotten.    

The future is a cliff
And a bottomless void
Driven off
And falling down.  

Let them stumble
And let them fall
All who plot
And all who lie.

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