Thursday, August 11, 2016

Cloak and Dagger

Cloak and Dagger          8/11/2016

It was true then
And it is true now
The feeling in your gut
About what is right
And what is nuts.

The took what they could get
And they sacrificed their own
Killing a friend 
For sympathy
And lies. 

False truth
And false flags
The useful slaughtered
As the means to an end. 

The same now
As it was then
Humans without a conscience
And men without souls.

Hiding, lying,
And manipulating the news
Shutting down all possibility
Of opposition to their views. 

Controlling both sides
So either way they win
Deluding us all
With a wink and a grin. 

Engineered to believe
All that they are selling
Guinea pigs for life
Mongrelized and dumb. 

Devolving into soup
And puddled at their feet
We stew in the waste
As tenderized meat. 

They will never give in
And they will never give up
Propped up by cowards
Weak, blind and dumb.

By hook and by crook
By murder and by mayhem
They distract and steal
With a cackle and squeal.

If there is still a chance
You will know it
When you see it
Coming down and going off
The motive of disaster
Planned in advance.

It will be a big one
The biggest of them all
The day of deception
All the parts and pieces
Splattered on the wall. 

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