Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Black Cloud

Exit Wound            8/17/2016

Sometimes I smile
And sometimes I laugh
But in the end
The wound remains
Angry and bleeding. 

I go through the motions
And I nod my head in agreement
But inside I will always feel 
Damaged, deficient, and ashamed. 

It is a heavy weight
That I can never forget
The debt unpaid
Invisible and immeasurable.

I waited
And I wait
For what it seems like forever
To be free of the shame
Following me
Wherever I go.

It hurt more than I could bear
And still it hurts today
To be judged and found wanting
Friendless and poor.

Exit Wound                      8/17/2016

Alone, cold
And set up for failure
Sinking into a hole
Without a handhold. 

There will always be a reminder
About all I had
And all I lost
Even walking down the hall
Still fresh and painful. 

The debt hangs heavy
Somewhere above my head
The gaping wound of rejection
Hurting more than ever. 

Let it be paid
On that day of redemption 
When all is healed
And all is right. 

The darkness dissolved 
And so also the thief
Totally forgotten
In the blink of an eye.     

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