Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Black Out

Black Out                          8/30/2016

Living is dangerous
But so also is dying
As we walk though a minefield
And whistle in the wind.

Over burdened 
And over spent
And ignored.  

There is no safety
For the foolish
And no warmth
For the good.

Sacrificed for profit
And used for fun
We are nothing but bait
In a game of chess.

Powerful men
Indulge their every whim
At the expense of the defenseless
And the powerless.

Compromised and complicit
They are controlled by others
Deep, dark,
And hidden from view. 

The records sealed
And secrets protected
While others are abused
For telling the truth. 

Bloody are the hands
That reach in our pockets
And take whatever they want
Because rules are for us
And never for them. 

Corrupted and compromised
They all cover for each other
Fake established enemies
Equally guilty
And equally complicit. 

An exclusive club
For the wealthy
And the connected
Selling us all out
For experimental genocide.  

A blackout is coming
As all the windows are closed
Justified with lies
And covered with bribes.

Some fools will never learn
Until they die 
Set up
And put down
Surrounded by hungry dogs
Foaming at the mouth.

And we,
We are nothing but a threat
The last bastion
Who can question  
And might resist. 

The rest
They know will follow
And bow their heads
For just a few dollars
And a piece of bread. 

The truth is out
So read it while you can
Because darkness is coming
When the plug is pulled.

They think we will believe it
And they think
That we are fools
Drowning in our own blood
Face down in the mud.

They think if we weren’t told
Then we would never know at all
The carnage in the streets
Rape, assault and murder. 

Beware the biggest lie
Because that is all you will hear
The truth hidden 
At the most crucial 
Of times.

But even in a blackout
The spirit is a light
Enough to lead us out
To what is good 
And what is right. 

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