Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Critical Mass

Criticality  8/24/2016

Criticality is here
And the earth
Slips under the weight
Lies upon lies
And intolerable.

It’s been a long time coming
The moon over the city
The sign of the times
Dark and foreboding. 

Powerful people
Huddle in rooms
Facing the inevitable
And plotting the end. 

Evil has murdered many
And now they do their worst
Covering up their crimes
With more.  

They cannot bear to lose
So now they lash out
Doubling back again
To savagely attack.

Determined to do
What it is
That they always wanted
Killing off the good
Any way they can. 

They know
As well as us
That nothing lasts forever
Even this
And even now. 

The world has awakened
And many now
Can see the reality
True now 
And true forever.  

Everything they said
And everything they did
All of it a lie
That was never true at all.

The world shakes
Under our feet
But the blessed are those
Who believe
Even under threat
And punishment. 

Let the truth come
And let us all be forgiven
For all we tried
And all we did.

Unafraid to the last
Upright and dead level
Standing strong
And faithful. 

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