Monday, August 29, 2016


Artichoke                8/29/2016

Through the eyes of glass
We peer into windows
Open to the world
Inward, outward
Independent and free.

Searching through
Time and space
And able to decipher
The good and the bad.

The willing can see
If they know where to go
In a fraction of a second
The whole world
Melts away.

Rifling through opinions
And sorting through the facts
We can learn about the motives
That influence our vision.

Opening the pomegranate
And peeling back the onion
The truth can be discovered
Among the countless lies.

Some seek not reality
But only feed their delusions
Always hating
And always blaming.

Hating truth
And hating beauty
They savage the hand of kindness
Over and over again.

But he who thinks for himself
Let him look
And let him see
Lifting up his head
Above the stampede. 

It can be painful
And it can make you ashamed
But the truth
Will always be an answer
To mental slavery.

Remove the filter
And open up the screen
Dead level ahead
To see what is there. 

Piercing through
The smoke and the mirrors
Laser straight
And determined.  

Fearlessly discovering
What is hidden
And tracing it backwards
Aghast in horror.

There are many
Who have seen
And there are many
Who have died. 

But now more than ever
The truth is a crime
As those who hate the truth
Want to kill
And crush. 

The window was opened
And the truth escaped
So now they seek to close it
Anyway they can. 

Watch it grow dark
And make all of your plans
For the day of darkness
Knowing who lies
And knowing why. 

Remember this
When the windows
Will not open
And the biggest lie of all
Is told as truth.

Look into your heart
And the windows of the soul
Inward and upward
Through prayer
And faith.

And strong
And true!

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