Monday, August 8, 2016


Been busy the last two weeks, just getting back to normal.  Rob McManus

Stardust            8/8/2016

It was always
More of a choice
Than a feeling
The gift long held
And given away.

Feelings change
From Happiness to anger
Weighed down with time
And minutia.

Holding us back
And tempting us away
Tossed about in the surf
Over and over again. 

I slept in the sea
For what it seems like forever
Buried in the mud
With numberless dreams.

But God turned me over
And shook me awake
Plucking me out
And into the cold.

I did not know it then
But it was just what I needed
Learning all over again
How to walk
And how to stand. 

The choice was always there
The one that I avoided
So fearful of losing
That I never tried to win. 

I lost it anyway
And fell through the floor
Stripped of all I knew
And loved. 

But it was then
That finally found it
The truth falling like stardust
Priceless and irreplaceable.

Reborn and renewed
From the inside out
All is peaceful
And all is new. 

Choose love
Even with nothing
And even in loss
For death is nothing
And love,
Conquers all!

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