Thursday, September 1, 2016


Foresight                          9/1/2016

Every day is different
And every day is the same
Each one a risk
And each one a blessing. 

There is joy
And there is sorrow
And happiness.

Would we even know?
One without the other
And what would contentment mean?
Without patience
And effort. 

When I didn’t know
I wasted my strength
Fighting against myself
And swinging at shadows.

I did not know
But then I had to learn
Patience and perspective
Through trial 
And test.

We were all
Just puppets on a string
Dancing to the pipe
On our way
Off a cliff. 

None of it was real
And all of it was fake
As others pulled our chain
Just to make us jump.

Now we know
And now we must think
About all that was
And all,
That might have been. 

But what is ahead
Is the most important of all
As we all can see
The looming fraud. 

Many suffer
Burned and broken
All for a lie
That was never true at all.

But the truth remains
Even in darkness
And never has it burned brighter
Than right here
And right now. 

There is nothing
That has been lost
That cannot be reborn
Better than ever
Ten times ten thousand.  

But everything hinges 
On what we do 
Now that we see
And now that we know.  

The dead 
Had no warning
And the sleeping 
Have no ears.

It is up to us
To witness and record
Standing firm in the truth
No matter what
And no matter how. 

Loyal to the end 
And faithful to the core
Determined, relentless,
Truthful and strong.  

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