Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Sheepskin                                8/9/2016

They say
No one likes a loser
But it’s better to lose
Than it is to kill.

Some will do anything
To get their way
No matter how
Many it hurts
Or kills.

Unable to grow
And unable to question
Loyal to no one
Except to themselves. 

Calculating and soulless
Cruel and sadistic
They hide amongst the trees
Stalking their prey.

Many know
But hide the truth
More concerned with money
Than they are with God.

Afraid of the shadows
They retreat and cower
Above all reproach
And safe in their towers. 

Content with their status
Lukewarm and tepid
The bland and the gutless
The dumb and the dead. 

Compromising everything
For a few dollars more
Sold out for nothing
To mediocre men. 

Let them all fall away
Exposed to the truth
Foolish to the end
And naked in the sun.

Far better it be
To lose and change
Than it is it lie
And sink in the sea. 

Never give up
And never give in
Because nothing is stronger
Than the truth
And the light. 

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