Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Sunspot                           8/16/2016

Expressionless and dull
The windows of soulless death
Emotionless, dark,
Bottomless and cruel. 

If you have seen it before
Then maybe you have learned
Never to turn your back
Or bleed in the water.

Circling for food
And waiting to strike
The ever searching animal
Crouching in the bush. 

Watching for men
And watching for dogs
Stalking the herd
Tensing their sinews.

Watching you
And watching me
Looking for a straggler
Sick and slow.

Smiling to your face
And biding their time
Waiting to strike
When your look away. 

Crushing bone
And tearing flesh
Over and over again
Disfigured, unrecognizable
Empty and dead.

Death is winning
Three years and more
Mounting up
Against the good
And God. 

Killing us
To kill the truth
In an attempt to erase
History and memory.

A snake hissing in the dirt
Full of lies and blame
Surviving only
By the kindness of fools. 

Plotting and planning
For the day of their hate
Outnumbering the good
And legalizing their fate.

But God is watching
And knows our every thought
Even the secrets
Hidden in the dark.

Unravelling even the best laid plans
Exposing every lie
And hidden motivation
All for money and power. 

Let the light
Kill the sickness
And burn away
This deadly disease.

Caught in the act
And struck by the sun
Fried like a worm
Dead and dumb. 

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