Thursday, July 28, 2016


Cranked                                         7/28/2016

Locked down
With nowhere to go
Strapped in our seats
And climbing uphill.

Metal wheels
And metal tracks
Dragging to the top
With a long way down. 

We can feel it coming
In the pit of our stomach
The gaping void
All the way down. 

Twisting and turning
In a world turned upside down
We are but passengers
Slammed in unexpected

We can scream
Or we can cry
But either way
We can live
Or we can die.   

The end comes suddenly
In the same destination
From which we came
The end from the beginning
First and the same. 

These are the times
That are for the choosing
As each of us decide
Which way we go. 

We can believe
Or we can reject
But either way
The end shall come
At the end of the track. 

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