Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Emulsion                             4/26/2016

I was born
At the beginning
Of an ending
A brief emulsion of light
Hidden in the dark. 

A spark was given
That I could not have deserved
A gift of eternity
Breathed into my soul. 

The world suffocates
And the world gives weight
The kind pulling us down
Deep in the dirt. 

The call of death is strong
But the light
Will always be stronger
Driving us on
The long way around. 

The cost is great
And so also, we have failed
Rolling over
Asleep in a day dream. 

I did not even know
And now, I know even less
Empty but for the certainty
That life conquers death. 

I was protected
In the dark
As my bones grew together
Incubating in the safety
Far away from here. 

But time waits for no one
And it did not wait for me
As the protective layers
And all melted away. 

Exposed and wounded
I had to learn to crawl
Long before
I could hold my head up
And walk.

It hurt to lose
But it also hurts to win
Because comfort
Can only teach complacency
And hardship
Only bitterness.    

I could have given up
A million times before
As I drowned in despair
Abandoned and alone. 

I wonder at the before
The time I never knew
Captured in stills
And the lost
Silent films. 

Distant messages
Crying out in space
Farther and farther away
Beautiful and remote. 

More lost
Than known
Once kindled
In a secret slice. 

It will all come back
From the hidden quarter
Felt long before seen
With faith
And longing. 

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