Tuesday, April 12, 2016


 Untitled                4/12/2016

How great the loss
Sitting alone
In a hotel room
Hunched at a desk
Whiskey at my side.

It is a familiar feeling
This purposeless desperation
A sour nausea
Eating at my gut. 

It hurts
And boredom hurts more
Ever since she woke me up
With a knife in my back. 

Sleep came with pills
And with dread came the morning
Eating me alive
Every sickening day.

I don’t know which is worse
Hating yourself
Or hating others
Soaking in your own bile
Like acid in the eye.

She had a mouth full of razors
And how it hurt me so
Cutting me a thousand times
A perfect target
Friendless and alone.

She laughed and she smiled
While I was drowning
Unable to recover
Any kind of normalcy.

Hitting and kicking
She pushed me down
As I hung on a ledge
With broken fingers.

Coming alive
Just in time
To feel the impact
Sudden, cold, and hard.

I did not die
Even though I thought I might
Surviving in solitary confinement
And drowning in debt.

It took a long time
To crawl out of the black
The wasted years
I wish I could forget.

Sometimes I travel backward
Heels over head
Flipping over like a scorpion
Stinging itself.

Maybe it’s all my fault
And maybe I had it coming
Sleepwalking through a marriage
Spoiled, indulged,
And angry over nothing.

I had only scratched the surface
And now I can see the other side
Bitter at the cost
Spitting blood down the drain.

I know I should be thankful
That I can understand at all
And did not die on that couch
Bled out and dead.

But God loves the lonely
And watches over
The sleeping fools
Plucking me out
And shaking me awake. 

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