Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Suction Cup

Suction Cup                              4/19/2016

The tube is in my mouth
And with it
I am fed
Grown fat and soft
Dumb and dead.

We Lap it up
And then
We swallow it down
Trained like a dog
To eat and drool. 

We who live in fear
Know that it doesn’t pay
When the truth is forbidden
And authenticity a crime.

Time goes by
And we look back
In anger
Staring at the past
Full of lies. 

We did not know
And what we did
Was all a lie
Used and abused
Wasted and blind. 

The good became evil
And evil became good
Nothing but anesthesia
For the trusting
And the good. 

The masses were murdered
And millions sacrificed
Misled heroes
Courageous for nothing. 

I also
Did not know
And now I wonder
What all else
Is buried
In the past. 

The tentacles grow
And reach in every crack
Tightening with every breath
To suffocate and kill.

Boneless and bloodless
The evil creeping death
Conceived and nurtured
In the hearts
Of evil men. 

See it now
Clutch and strangle
Exposed in the sun
For all to see. 

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