Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Ditched           4/6/2016

It all happens
Before you know it
The rug pulled out
And you are alone.

But if you survived it once
Then you have nothing to fear
Because the world has always hated
The enlightened
And exploited the deluded.

What is a reputation
If you have told the truth
And what is money
If you lost it all before.

What is shame
Once you have bled
And what is betrayal
When they left you for dead.

This world is nothing
Doomed and dried out
A hollowed out husk
Prime for burning.

We did not know
And we stumbled in a stupor
Thinking that if we were good enough
We should give a little more.

But now we know
And now we can see
How much we lost
And what is in store.

It will never be enough
Because evil always wants more
Growing in the dark
Like a disease.

Man is sick
And this world
It is dying
Shaking under the strain
Of iniquity and lies.

Today its big enough
That only a fool
Will not see
Those condemned to darkness
Willfully evil
And full of hate.

Opposite of a lie
Is what you see every day
The truth outright
Straight as a razor.

Let them cut
If they must
But stand strong in truth
Saved in life
And saved if dead.

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